What and when to upgrade


Oct 4, 2008
I have a question about upgrading my system. My current one is somewhat outdated: 8800 GTS 640mb (G80), Q6600, 680i LT----I want to get a better system to get better overall overclocking stability. I am not sure if I should: 1) upgrade soon to a more stabe 775 board such as a 750i FTW and maybe a GTX 260(both for overclocking) and keep my Q6600(because I suppose I am ok with that for now). 2) Or bite the bullet for now and save for a complete Core i7 build in the late future when prices get lower, 3) Or a better option from you

My idea is that the main thing that is holding me back in games right now is my 8800 gts which came out back in 2006, and my motherboard which is not allowing me to achieve a sufficient CPU overclock


How overclocked is you CPU right now? What cooler do you have?

Depending on how much further it can be pushed, it might not be worth it to spend 100-150$ on a MB.
If you upgrade to an i7 system within the next 5 months or so, I would suggest buying the video card now. Get the performance increase now, won't be huge, but it will surely help. Then when you do upgrade, it will still be a quality card to use in your new system.


Oct 4, 2008

Thanks thats what I was thinking too