what and when to upgrade



k, I have a kick arse system, except for vid. card
live plat

Now I am sure my graphics card tnt2ultra is holding it up.
I want to know how much more % increase I would get in games like UT.

WHy doesn't TOM review these new cards wiht the old ones. In some posts it shows that the tnt2ultra runs faster than GFmx.

I want to falk out hundreds for GF2ulra.

WHat I was planning to do was to upgrade to GF2ulra(or maybe RAdon for the better pic quality). WHen the next gen video card comes out, so prices will be cheap.

WHen does the next gen vid card come out.
How much better performance is a GF2ultra than tnt2ultra, don't make [-peep-] up please.

WHat would be my bottle neck, the 1ghz or GF2u in UT

THanks for any answers


I would LOVE to see a TNT2 Ultra outperform a Geforce MX! Certainly not on a 1ghz system! You'll get a heck of a lot of a performance increase from any Geforce2 card. A 1ghz system will be held up by a Geforce2 Ultra card! There is no card fast enough to keep up with the fastest processors today...the vid card is almost always the bottleneck.