Question What are these cheap LOW quality glossy gta v textures?


Feb 23, 2018
What are these cheap gta v textures? Just got the 1060 3gb before I had a gtx 950 2gb, and I get high fps in gta v, but there are some texture loading problems. Never had this with the 950. I don't even know how to describe it, but it looks horrible and I'll just attach a screenshot. Any help is really appreciated!
Edit: It appears like every 5 seconds when I move the mouse to different cam positions.

Did you uninstall your GPU drivers before you removed the GTX950? Did you reinstall the latest drivers from Nvidia's support site after you dropped in your GTX1060?
I've got rid of the 950 a month ago and got the 1060 yesterday, so I I've also installed the newest drivers but did not perform a clean install, cut I had geforce experience and stuff uninstalled. But what should I do ? Should i just reinstall with clean install? Also this is manli branded.
I've got rid of the 950 a month ago and got the 1060 yesterday, so I I've also installed the newest drivers but did not perform a clean install, cut I had geforce experience and stuff uninstalled. But what should I do ? Should i just reinstall with clean install? Also this is manli branded.
This pretty much solved the issue thanks!