Yeah, so i reinstalled last night i disabled one of my M.2 drives because i was too lazy to take it out and leave only 1 because apparently it causes issues if you have more than 1 in your PC because windows might try to put the files in a random M.2 SSD, worked perfectly and i installed chipset and some stuff from Asus website for my MOBO and did not get Armoury Crate, did clean install of GPU drivers and let the windows updates go through.
About the windows USB thing apparently i was incorrect, i never knew you have to buy a new licence if you swap motherboards because i never had it happen to me and i never heard anyone talk about it so i just assumed when you download it to your USB Drive and change your PC to boot into it so it starts you fresh and installs Windows 11 again to be the same thing as having the licence, but i was greeted by a product activation page when i reinstalled, i just clicked i don't have a product key and it let me select Windows 11 and proceed so i guess it worked without a key, no activate windows watermarks or anything on my screen.
Now about Performance, i had around 140-220 FPS in Counter Strike 2 which is where i like to get that extra performance in BEFORE the full wipe, now after playing for around 15-20 minutes i have 134-204 FPS, same competitive settings, same map, same areas of the map, i assume by time it will get back to 140-220 as i keep playing but basicly getting the drivers and reinstalling did nothing for my performance as i thought, it seems like changing resolution does nothing, reducing graphic settings does very little, reinstalling does nothing, i guess i will still continue to blame the GPU since it is the only thing i ever had problems with in the past, my CPU has been fine always so i can't blame it, i might concider ripping this card open and try to remove the stripped screw since i now have like 20 different types of screws leftover from this build (and i have a screw kit i randomly ordered earlier) maybe theres a replacement and i can clean the fans for the first time in..... 2 and a half years?
(Last time i tried to clean my GPU, no kidding i lightly shaked it facing the fans down and a pile of dust just fell to the floor, i feel like cleaning could do something if i can get in there)
EDIT: I also opened HWinfo and i see that my GPU has a thermal limit at 83℃, my GPU hotspot temp jumps to that in like 1 minute of just being in the game lobby, regular temperature max got to 72.4℃
Another edit: i attempted to swap the paste in the GPU and clean off dust and of course that went wrong, i managed to snap a black wire which destroyed 1 of my 2 GPU fans and now all that was for nothing, luckily i have 120mm fan below each GPU fan and i can just crank their RPMs a bit higher and pray that it solves this until i can get a new GPU, those wires were superglued in there and i tried to be very careful with them because i know people mess up with those cables, also i stripped 2 more screws so now 3 are broken on top of the wire.
I guess in the future i should maintain my hardware more regularly to make sure the cables dont get stuck like this and caked up with dust etc or just take my stuff to a repair shop, if i was patient enough i could pull the wire with pliers or something and place it back to its socket and hope that it helps temporarily but for now i'm going to test and keep my eye on temperatures of my GPU to make sure its fine without the fan.