What are your thoughts on drivers who brake and accelerate harshly?

Mr Burns

Dec 24, 2012
Do you hate it when you are on a bus and you have a driver that sets off really fast and brake really harshly? I hate this Aggressive way of driving and think it is the worst way to drive. But there are some drivers that drive this way even though it isnt much quicker. These drivers also tend to drive quite fast at times though it is the harsh braking and acceleration that bothers me. Maybe its because im used to travelling on slow buses and trains with drivers that usually drive at a nice smooth pace, but harsh accelaration and braking just doesnt feel nice. You are jolted backwards and forwards in your seat, and it feels like youre on a rollercoaster. The worst though is when you have to stand.

Today I was on a bus at peak hour. It was running a bit late and was packed with people. When I got on I had to stand. I dont like standing on buses, you always feel youre going to fall over whenever the bus sets off or stops. But it is 10 times worse when you have a driver that brakes/accelerates harshly. He flew off from the stop and I gripped on tight then he stopped suddenly at the next stop. Then a woman said, theres a seat back there. I gladly took it. On the bus people were saying hes a racing driver, I am glad to sit down etc. When he was driving on the side streets he braked harshly just before he got to the speed bump then acclerated fast immediately after.. It really doesnt make a comfortable ride.

I think fast acceleration/braking doesnt feel as bad in a car for some reason. It just doesnt feel right in a bus, i think as theyre heavy vechicles they are designed to be driven smoothly. When I go in a taxi (I dont have a car) the taxi driver often drives quite fast compared to a bus but it feels fine wheras on a bus with the same acclelaration/braking it just doesnt feel good. Or maybe the taxi drivers I have had have not had harsh acceleration/braking but driven at a higher speed, I dont know.

Anyway in my opinion harsh braking/accleration doesnt feel nice, I much prefer a smooth ride. Wondering what other peoples experiences/views are on this?
My girlfriend drove a transit bus for almost three years and I was a service person in the same garage for about the same amount of time and here's the lowdown. Buses run on a schedule and they have what's called timing points, meaning every stop they stop at has a set time they are supposed to arrive at said stop. If traffic or accidents or the weather interfere with that and slow them down they have drive a bit faster or slower to make up the time difference. They don't choose to drive this way but the situation demands it.

Say ten stops before your stop the bus gets held up by a stalled car or accident but you, at your stop, still expect that bus to be at your stop on time, how do you think they would manage that?

And on a side note: Bus drivers put up with more bullshit on a daily basis than you could possibly imagine, cut them some slack.

Or buy a car.

If it's on the bus, I agree with Meetbad's idea. If it's on a car, depending on driver' skill, you may not feel any difference. I myself drive both ways
- I can go fast and brake hard just before making a turn; or I can slow down from a distance with minimal braking for a turn.
- For acceleration, it depends. If I know I won't get through the next light, I just accelerate normally as other drivers do.
Accelerating too slowly hurts mileage as well.
Idiots. Whenever I drive down my mainstreet I always see other drivers go ahead of me going 70 to 80km/h, (a 50 zone) then the light ahead turns red and they stop, I stop right behind them. It goes like that all the way down the street. And I'm going 30 -40km most of the time because I don't get to my destination any quicker if I go the limit, so why not save some gas?

With the bus being worse than a car for jerkyness, look at the difference of wheels on a bus and a car:



There is more space behind the wheels on the bus, that's probably why brakes and acceleration feels more harsh on a bus.
Absolutely no point whatsoever in buying a Corvette, if you are just going to drive like Ms. Daisy.

I'm an aggressive driver. Always have been, always will be. Suited me just fine when I was driving a fire engine and/or ambulance, but I do tone it down when I have the kids in the car with me.

However, I do own a Dodge Magnum R/T that pushing @400 HP and will do 0-60 in @5.0 seconds. I absolutely refuse to take 1.5 miles to idle up to 40mph.

Take that as you will.

There really is no point to having a fast car for city driving.
Very true. However, living in Tennessee, there is a lot of small towns, with miles of decent highways between them, and only a few large city's, so it's not uncommon for me to be needed on site, 50+ miles away, and be doin 120+mph. My last speeding ticket was of course.... In Georgia. Clocked at 80mph on a 70mph interstate, same as everyone else for miles. Go figure.

I'd rather my bus be a few minutes late than put passengers safety at risk. Would you rather arrive a couple of minutes late in comfort or arrive bang on time jerked left, right and center. I know what I'd rather have.

The bus driver should drive at or nearly at the speed limit. He/she should also set off and accelerate smoothly, esspecially if passengers are standing, and brake and stop smoothly. How late the bus is should not affect this. If the bus is late the bus is late, the bus driver should not drive any quicker just so they get their tea break.


How does accelerating slowly hurt mileage???:??:


Is it mandatory that you get to where your going so quickly? 50 miles only takes about 40 minutes going highway speed. It's definitely not safe driving that fast, even though it doesn't seem much faster than 70. Say someone's at a stop sign on the side, he sees you, and assumes your going the limit, so he goes. If you were going the limit, the guy would have been fine, but going 150, you hit him, from not having time to react.

I hate aggressive drivers like you why can't you just drive smoothly? When driving an ambulance or fire engine in an emergency then yes of course put your foot down.

I don't mind driving fast so much it's the harsh braking/acceleration I don't like. Maybe it's because i have spent a lot of my life travelling on old slow pacer trains and buses on the main road where the speed limit is 30mph, but smooth driving just feels so much nicer.

On a high speed road, I'd much rather take 30 seconds and get up to 60mph, than to take 10 seconds and get up to 40mph.

I like riding on trains, one of the reasons why is the fact it can get up to speed but it has slow acceleration and slow braking. I love the smooth ride you get rather than the jolt you get on a bus. I wish everyone would drive more smoothly more i kin to trains, such as not jamming on the brakes at the last second, not being 2 feet behind the car in front, and not rushing to beat the traffic lights.


Better to be safe and go at 70mph and take 120 minutes to get there, than to go at 120mph taking 70 mins to get there, ending up dead.


True. In Saskatchewan every month or so we hear of someone who dies from a highway crash, probably was someone in a rush. I'm not exaggerating when I say nearly everyone in my city speeds. The only ones that don't speed are the ones that go lower than the limit. Only once every few weeks I see someone drive the limit. Also lots of tailgaters.
There is a very large difference in aggressive and stupid, yet there is also just as large difference between cautious and stupid. It really annoys me when overly cautious drivers take up the entire length of the on-ramp to get to 45mph and then try and merge into traffic doing at least 70mph. As an ex firefighter, i'll tell you with all certainty, that overly cautious stupidity is just as lethal as aggressive stupidity.

I'm an aggressive driver, not an aggressive stupid driver. I don't tailgate, bob and weave in ant out of traffic, take risky chances cutting ppl off just to change lanes. But then again, I have no qualms about stepping on the gas and reaching 70-80mph and merging into interstate traffic instead of making that same traffic brake and slow to accept me.

There is nothing wrong with aggressive drivers, or cautious drivers either... until they cross that line into stupidity.

Driving fast isn't stupidity. Driving stupidly, fast is. I know my car, I know its capabilities, I know how it brakes in everything from dry, hot sunshine to wet miserable, rain or freezing snow and ice. i know its blind spots. I know my capabilities. I drive within all, both mine and the cars. Sometimes I push it, sometimes I don't, but I also don't cross the line.

Speed limits on US Interstates just a few years ago were 55mph. Back then 70mph would have been speeding, yet ppl raise eyebrows at doin 80 in a 70? On the same highway

In Germany they have the autobahn. 1 lane is unrestricted speed. Even though its common for drivers to exceed 200mph, that stretch of road has fewer accidents than almost every other major highway in Germany. Hate to say this, but Germans seem to know how to drive fast. The answer to that is actually real simple. They are also much more courteous. They understand that if they wish to drive slower, they get out of the fast lane.

Accidents are not caused by speeding, or driving slow, accidents are caused by ppl going against the grain. If everyone is doing 90mph and you get one driver in the middle lane doing 70mph, there is going to be an accident. The 70mph driver, being the stupid one. Get in the slow lane or step on the gas, makes no difference. Same works with the driver doing 90mph in traffic doing 70mph. He's the oddball now.

A Stop Sign on the side of an Interstate Highway????

But everyone who does drive fast thinks like you, they think they are good enough to be driving that fast. No matter who you are though, when you're going 50mph down a 30 zone, a dog, a cat, a kid could run infront of you, and you would not have time to break. On the highway, if someone coming the other way is texting and crosses the middle line, and they're close enough to you, going 70 instead of 150 would save your life. Simply going so much faster than the limit isn't that smart. The car will not be able to stop in time, even if you have perfect reactions.
Like I said, there is a difference between aggressive and stupid. I have kids. I don't drive 50 in a 30 through residential neighborhoods. I don't drive the 1 or 2 times a year I might have a drink or 2. This is exactly the problem. Most ppl are under the misconception that just because many may believe they are good drivers and may drive stupidly as a result, doesn't mean that all are. I'm neither stupid, nor under the illusion of self egotistical stupidity. I actually can drive. Just because I choose to drive more aggressively than you doesn't make me stupider than you. Or any less safe about it. I'd bet money on the fact that you have absolutely no clue why speed limits were set at 55mph, for real, and not the public awareness campaign that became popular myth.

In a head on collision you describe doing 70mph on a 70mph highway means the other driver is also doing 70mph, for a total impact of 140mm. No different than hitting a solid brick wall at 140mph. At that speed, your brain will impact the inside of your skull at a little over 15,000 lbs per square inch. Just because you are doing the speed limit does not make it any safer than doing over or under the limit.

Don't you dare lump me in that stereotypical box of stupidity just because you believe that following the laws as lobbied by insurance companies make you a safe driver and someone who does drive more aggressively, a stupid driver.

It is safer to go the limit because you have more time to react, to avoid a crash. It's worse if you're driving that fast on an interstate, a car could cut you off, but it wouldnt be his fault because he's not expecting you to be going so fast. And are you really getting anywhere faster? All the time on the highway, a car passes me, im doing 100km, he's doing 150. In an hour, I'm right behind him at a red light. He just wasted gas to get to the red light quicker. Even if you do get to where you're going faster, it definitely is not safe. If you think it is, then you over estimate your car and yourself.

watch this:


If you were the camera car, and you were going 150mph, there is no way you would have avoided that. Even if you were dale earnhardt, your car would be wrecked.
So, by your logic, no one should ever rock climb, because you could fall and die, no one should ever take a bath because you can drown in less than 1" of water. Skydiving, shoots fail, bungies snap, riding a horse killed Superman. There are countless things, some really mind numbinlgy stupid things like a measly broken legs, burning the palms of your hands, slipping in a supermarket, that can and do kill ppl every day. Death will have its day, whether you are 3, 43 or 103 and you will die when it is your time. Doesn't matter if you believe in God, Allah, fate or destiny, when your number is called, game over. Until that day I will drive as I do, skydive when I will, take baths as I should, climb rocks, trees and ladders and shop in supermarkets. Who knows, I may decide to ride another horse. I will live my life, not cower in the shadows, just because something might kill me.

And that includes the poor deluded idiot who ran the stopsign on an interstate highway.

Edit: I forgot, please don't eat peanuts or get stung by a bee, they are extremely unsafe. Anaphylaxis is no joke to those who don't have access to epinephrine.
Just to interject something, since you are still hung up on speed limits and safety, in the early 70's there was no National speed limit regulation. Each State set its own limits. Then came the gas crisis. The US Government was almost paralyzed as the economy then was dominated by 2 factors. The real estate market and Big Oil. With the crisis, Big Oil lost millions, and USG tried desperately to head off another Great Depression. Since many ppl were driving big, gas guzzling cars, an accommodation was reached, after months of testing, between Big Oil and the USG. It was determined that between imports like the VW bug and big engines like the 501 Caddy Eldorado, the average, best, most fuel economical speed was 55mph.

That speed limit has exactly nothing to do with safety. Nothing whatsoever. It was all about fuel economy. Now that cars are much more fuel economical, the limits have been relaxed and 70mph is the interstate max. Still nothing to do with safety.

Seat belts. Nothing to do with safety at all. Seat belt laws were enacted because insurance companies decided to lobby to get the laws passed. If you weren't wearing a seat belt (and in the 70's seat belts were this strap held at ceiling level by a couple of clips) insurance companies did not have to pay out for an accident. Saved them millions every year. Safety was the argument used. It's what made Congress accept the laws. And since the Police could now ticket non seat belt wearers, they endorsed it whole heartedly. Everyone except the poor fool not wearing a seat belt in an accident stood to make money. Still nothing to do with safety. A good idea? A wise precaution? Oh hell yes it is, but it's only a law because of money grubbers.

A man may be smart, but ppl in general are ignorant and stupid. They tend to believe anything those who lead tell them. Even the forefathers of this country knew that. It's why the ppl don't elect the President, the electoral college does.

Safety is the by-product, the myth, money is the reason.

Yes, our lives are full of risks, but there are things we can do to minimize those risks. When you skydrive you have a backup parachute, there are wet floor signs in the supermarket, when you climb trees you wear a harness, when you drive you wear a seatbelt, and when you drive you should follow the speed limit. Going at 150 mph on a 70 mph highway is just asking to be killed in my opinion, and I bet 99% of people would say that is stupidly fast. Does anyone else do 150 mph or just you? If most people are doing 60-80 mph and you are doing 150 mph, then you are the odd one out, and are going against the flow.

I agree though that 55 mph is too slow for a highway. In the UK (where I live) the motorway (the equivalent of your highways) have always been 70 mph. Many drivers will do 80 and some 90, but 150 mph is unheard of. It's over double the speed limit. If you went at 150 mph on a UK motorway you'd have to keep braking or keep weaving in and out of lanes as the motorways get busy and most of the motorways only have 2-4 lanes (most commonly 3). Maybe it's different in America where they have more lanes but still 150 mph sounds crazy to me. You are defientely putting your life at risk.

However we got the speed limits, you shouldn't break them, it is unsafe to do so. Allot less people would die if everyone followed the limits. About 2 years ago, in my town someone on a pedal bike ran a red light, and was hit by someone doing 70km in a 50 zone. The biker died.It was the biker's fault, so the guy got charged about $500.
The guy speeding had sun in his eyes so he couldnt see the biker. I assume you would be the kind of guy that would speed in this guy's situation, so you could have killed someone just as easily. It doesn't really matter if you don't care what happens to you, there are other people on the road. And you are a danger to them. I would care less if someone like you rolls in a ditch. What I'm worried about is myself. My city is full of drivers like you.. the ones that think they are good drivers because they can drive fast. I have to be so careful driving because of them. Just the other day I had to swerve into the on coming lane to avoid hitting someone running a stop sign. If I was speeding, (it looked 100% safe to speed) I would have hit the guy. The speed I was going, I was only a meter away from him, and if I would have braked instead of swerved, I would have hit him.

going 150mph is just not safe unless you're on a track. Just think about how fast that is. Nascars go about 185 at daytona. Those are profesional drivers, racing in a predictable environment, and they still have crashes. So what makes you think that you, someone that doesn't know more about driving than the next guy can drive safely at nascar speeds, down unpredictable roads, filled with drivers that are even worse than you?

You probably have had a few accidents, that could have been prevented by driving slower. Allot of money would be saved on fixing your damage if you just go the limit.
Ah, see there you go. You assume to think that just because I'm not a Nascar professional, I know didley about driving. I was 11 years old the first time I drove over 100mph. I've raced before. Some wins, some losses. The losses were usually because the other driver took foolish chances, trusting in luck to provide. That's not me.

Yes, I've been in accidents, 3 of them to be precise. None of my own making, or through my actions made. Yes, a man drove through a stop sign, and I hit him. Most would have slammed on the brakes, locked up their elbows and prayed. I'm not most. I hit the gas in my 1 ton gmc pick up. There was no way I wasn't going to hit him. Parked cars, trees, and only 80ft to decide. If I'd hit the brakes, my 9800lb truck would have slammed into his driver door somewhere around 40mph. He'd be dead, crushed. So I stomped on the gas, closed the distance faster and hit his Taurus station wagon square in the front tire, ripping the entire front of his car off. And left him without a scratch. Cost my insurance company over $7000 in repairs, but that's cheap considering if I'd done like most would, his kids would be without a father. And yes, I was tired, it was 3:30AM and I was actually doing the speed limit, just as that other driver was,he just failed to stop.

I've been driving since I was 9. Being a retired fire fighter I Know better than most what damages can happen in an accident. I also know that my ceiling of ability is considerably higher than yours, so please don't assume that just because you feel unsafe driving over 30mph, everyone else must also.


You're missing my point. It doesn't matter how skilled you are in some cases, as the one you described. If you were speeding, and the same guy ran the stop sign a little earlier, the damage would have been worse, and the guy would have died. Following the limit can save you incase something like this happens, it can give you more time to react, and if you don't have time to react, then the damage will be less. I'm not really against speeding, I'd have gone the max speed in my car many times already if it wasn't for the fear of police, but I would be going that fast on the highway, which is safe because the only thing that can cause you to crash is lack of focus, wind gust, or another car swerving into your lane, which doesn't happen often. But going 150mph is really fast, and on an interstate? I'm from Canada and we don't have interstates here, or in Saskatchewan at least, so all I know is that it's a free way that connects cities, am I right? I've been on freeways before, and going 150mph, someone could just do a lane change right in front of you, and there would be nothing you could do about it.