What camera to buy ???

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Nov 26, 2016
So I want to buy a real camera. Currently using Lumina 1020 phone.

I am interested in probably and all round performer. My budget is limited to about $500 cnd.give or take a bit. I don't care if it is new or used as long as will suite my curiosities.

SO areas I can compromise:
- would like full size sensor, but not likely to happen at the budget. So I can go to any level here as long as other features are ideal
- I don't care if it is D SLR or mirrorless, but I would like to have a an eye viewfinder.
- MP count, obviously want a good count here, but will definitely go low in this area, particularly if I can only get the features I want and the price I want, and I can only get it in a older used model.
- don't care about video mode or quality of such
- don't care about build in mice,
- NPC or GPS, WiFi would be nice but can without any or all of them.
- articulated screen while nice, can live without.

Should have:
- changes lenses - non fixed
- bracketing
- decent for long exposure, night shooting, time lapse, and perhaps sport, double exposure
- decent quality at higher ISO
- image stabilization
- good picture quality
- can shoot in RAW.
- I will be able to use lenses I buy in upgraded camera, should I decide to upgrade at some point.

Basically I don't want my learning to be limited by the feature set and overall picture quality. I don't mind being limited by frame size and MP count. I am technically minded so I don't need an "easy to use" camera dial setup. I mean if a can get that great but not worried about it.
Good place to start is here: https://www.dpreview.com/buying-guides
Specifically: https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/2016-round-up-interchangeable-lens-cameras-under-500

Basically, all cameras within a certain price range will take 'good pictures'. The feature set and how it feels in your hand is the main determinant

For some of your wants:
WiFi - a lot of cameras have this built in. Great. Until you actually try to use it. My current Fuji X-T1 has WiFi. It is less than user friendly.
MP count - Don't worry too much about this. Given equal lens and camera, 24 megapixels is impossible to tell from 18 megapixels.
The VAST majority of current mirrorless and DSLR's will take good pics.

The lens is more important than the...
Good place to start is here: https://www.dpreview.com/buying-guides
Specifically: https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/2016-round-up-interchangeable-lens-cameras-under-500

Basically, all cameras within a certain price range will take 'good pictures'. The feature set and how it feels in your hand is the main determinant

For some of your wants:
WiFi - a lot of cameras have this built in. Great. Until you actually try to use it. My current Fuji X-T1 has WiFi. It is less than user friendly.
MP count - Don't worry too much about this. Given equal lens and camera, 24 megapixels is impossible to tell from 18 megapixels.
The VAST majority of current mirrorless and DSLR's will take good pics.

The lens is more important than the camera body.
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