I ordered a radeon hd 6570 msi from amazon and I'm wondering if I would be able to play some modern games at decent settings my screen resolusion is 1080x1280 I don't usually play very high end games I usually play low end games like minecraft,Tf2 the only really high end game I own is just cause 2 but I'd still like the option to play higher end games would this card allow me too?
SPECS:amd athlon 7550 dual core 2.5ghz
Radeon HD 5450 (old video card)
300 watt PSU
1080x1280 screen
Motherboard not sure
3gb ram
Windows 7 32bit
SPECS:amd athlon 7550 dual core 2.5ghz
Radeon HD 5450 (old video card)
300 watt PSU
1080x1280 screen
Motherboard not sure
3gb ram
Windows 7 32bit