What CPU are you using?


Mar 24, 2003
Hi everyone,

Just out of curiousity, what CPU are you using in your main PC. The PC you use everyday, not the PC on order, the CPU that is your workhorse.

Mine is a 1700+. I need to order a 2500+ simply because of how cheap it would be an give me a great perfomance increase. I'd run mine at 2800+ though.

Best Regards,
Gary Hendricks
<A HREF="http://www.desktop-video-guide.com" target="_new">http://www.desktop-video-guide.com</A>
athlon 650 😱 i know, i know I'm upgrading soon.

<font color=blue>
<i><font color=black>Faithless</font color=black></i> is he that says farewell when the road darkens.
J. R. R. Tolkien
</font color=blue>
Up until July it was a Celeron 500. :O
Now it's a NWC 2.6. :)

<pre><A HREF="http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20030905" target="_new"><font color=black>People don't understand how hard being a dark god can be. - Hastur</font color=black></A></pre><p>
1700+ @ ~2254Mhz (196x11.5), 1.575Vcore...

Actually, that's my home PC. the one I use for 8+ hours a day is my one at work, a PII 400Mhz :frown: . It's really annoying.. Actually I discovered that a (cached) build of the software I work on takes ~40seconds to build on my work PC, but only takes 3 on my own beast :frown: .

<font color=red>The preceding text is assembled from information stored in an unreliable organic storage medium. As such it may be innacurate, incomplete, or completely wrong</font color=red> :wink:
My PC at work is a PIII 450 OC to 600MHz

My main home PC is a P4 2.4B
My secondary home PC is a PIII 450 OC to 500MHz (exactly the same as work PC, but won't OC the same....wierd)
My game server PC is a Celery 400MHz

Intel P4 2.4B
MSI 645E Max-U Mobo
512MB DDR333
GF3 ti200 64MB
SB Live 5.1
WD 60GB (Storage)
Maxtor 6GB (System)
Maxtor 120GB
LG 24x24x32 CDR
Barton 2500+ @3200+ at home
P4 2.6 desktop & P4-M 2 GHz laptop at work

= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =
its a 1800+ for my main desktop, a p4 1.7 m for my laptop, and a p3 450 mhz as a third pc.

256 ddr266
msi geforce3 ti 200

p4 1.7ghz m / 512kb cache
512 mb ddr266
radeon 7500 m 32mb ddr
my machine below :)

ASUS P4S8X - P4 2.4B - 2 x 512M DDR333 - ATI 9500 Pro(Sapphire) - WD 80G HD (8M Buffer) - SAMSUNG SV0844D 8G HD - LG 16X DVD - Yamaha F1 CDRW - Iomega Zip 250 int.
2500 barton @ 2400mhz (200x12) 1.73v. Been running it like this for a few months now with no probs! Super fast it is too. Especially with my 9700pro @ 380/350 (9800pro speeds).

<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=7000747" target="_new"> 3D-2001 </A>
<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=1284380" target="_new"> 3D-03 </A>
<font color=red> 120% overclocker </font color=red> (cheapskate)

<b>P4 2.4C @ 3.0GHz 1.525V Stock HSF * Abit IS7 BIOS v1.3 * Corsair XMS 2x256MB PC3200 2-3-3-6 * GeForce4 Ti4200 AGP8X 128MB * SB Audigy 2 ZS * Logitech Z-680 THX 5.1 * Seagate Barracuda 80GB SATA</b>
Personal Software Development system: 900mhz Thunderbird
Business Software Development system: 1.2Ghz Mobile P3

<font color=blue>This is a Forum, not a playground. Treat it with Respect.</font color=blue>
Duron 1 GHz @ 1.15 GHz

<b><A HREF="http://geocities.com/spitfire_x86" target="_new">My Website</A></b>

<b><A HREF="http://geocities.com/spitfire_x86/myrig.html" target="_new">My Rig & 3DMark score</A></b>
Athlon 2500+ @ 3200+

Shuttle XPC SN45G
Athlon XP 3200+
nForce2 Ultra 400
Corsair 512mb ddr400
Radeon 9600 Pro
Toshiba DVD-RW
Dual PIII-S 1.26GHz @1.26gHz at work
Dual Athlon MP 2400+ @2GHz at home.

<A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com/myanandtech.html?member=114979" target="_new">My PCs</A> 😎
My personal home entertaining system is running on an AthlonXP 2600+ Thoroughbred-B 333FSB, overclocked to 10*217MHz. Home working system is running on PentiumIII 700MHz Coppermine, no overclocked.

Me fail English? That's Unpossible!
<A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?id=22996" target="_new">My System Rig</A>
I currently use a Palomino 1700+. I'm still undecided on whether to upgrade to a 1700+ Tbred "B" and simply OC it slightly, or a 2400+/2500+ Barton next summer though.

There is a 23.72% chance someone within a mile of you is jacking himself up.
AMD Thoroughbred XP 2100+ (1733mhz) @ 192x12=2304mhz memory timings 2-3-3-7

Many other CPU’s not worth mentioning.

Dichromatic for your viewing plesure...
XP2400+ at 266FSB

It overclocks nicely but my motherboard sucks so I leave it stock.

<font color=red>12 bit... The way games are meant to be played!</font color=red>
Athlon 1ghz AXIA core (remember those days) @ 1400 140x10

Speed Sdram!! wooohooo... looking to upgrade soon, just waiting on the prices to drop some more.

<b>"These are my thoughts, your mileage may vary."
You'd be nuts getting a new 1700+ when a 2500+ costs only $81 on pricewatch. Unless your motherboard and memory don't support 333 MHs FSB's, but in that case, you wouldnt have a whole lot of overclocking headroom for a 1700+ either.

= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =