What CPU/GPU for no frame rate drop in FPS online?


May 9, 2006
The Only game i play is Battlefield2 online well almost .. :wink:

It seems to me the type of game that always challenge the current top of the line video cards Are

ONLINE first Person shooters , and ONLINE MMO's RPG's

Then the OFFLINE Rpg's and first person shooters

BF2 1600x1200 all settings maxxed 64 player map
and in my view (on my screen) are damn near 20 people 2 heli's
3 tanks 2 apc's , artillery and small arms fire all going off at max detail.

All while i am running shooting, turning to spray 3 guys that just jumped up to my right.

What level of CPU / GPU combo will i need for there to be absolutely NO frame rate drop ? no fleeting frame lag that gets in the way just when i need it the least.

would a AMD X2 4600+, 2gigs ram, asus a8n 32 CF, Dual x1900xtx

be enough for that No frame rate drop combo im looking for? Is it over kill or not enough? (all settings max)

current system is:
P4 3.0 Ghz , OC to 3.3 Ghz on an Asus P4C 800-E 2 gigs ram

current system at 1024x768 all setting on LOW playing BF2 online 64 player map slows to 10 to 15 frames a sec in the heat of battle, this must end!

so again with all the settings maxxed at 1600x1200. What CPU/GPU combo will it take to never drop below say 70 frame per sec in BF2 online?

Thanks in advance

S L A P! ! !

{wakes up}

Ok, then what cpu/gpu for 70 fps at 1024x768 or 1280x1024 max settings?

What cpu/gpu do i need and what resolution can i go up to and still have all the eye candy and yet have no visually perceptable frame lag (nothing under 50) to get in my way of a good fast FPS kill? 8)

Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence of free-wills involve, and you find that you have excluded life itself."

"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts."

C.S. Lewis
There's no such thing a no-frame drop pc during online gaming, especially playing BF2. No sir, that's not happening and I have experienced that myself. I got an 840 with 7800GTX SLI even oc to 4Ghz with the cards at 510/1400. Still during online gaming with BF2 gets me 30-60fps while on single player would get me 100fps as it is the limit I set for the cards. So it's not possible to have a rig that would have a constant frame rates during online gaming. Why, there are many factors, like your system, ping, connection and even the server. As you know playing online takes time as your system send info to the connection then to the server and vice versa and that takes time. Long enough to cause a drop in frame rate. It's a whole complicated thing and I'm not going into details.

If you want a good system then get a X2 4800+, 2x1Gb DDR500 and one 7900GTX. You don't really need a dual graphics card on gaming to play it at high res. A 1280x1024 or 1024x768 is better as oppose the higher res that would only help drop the frame rates. Also make sure to have a good high speed connection and network hardware, for it is vital to have the fastes connection as possible thus giving you better reaction time. I have the D-Link modem and D-Link Gamer Router along with a good connection of 1Gb DSL. It gives me more time to react as the connection is a lot faster and smoother over my older router and modem. Right now I play BF2 most of the time and I'm very satisfied with it even with the frame rate drops because that's just part of online gaming.
Of course the frame rate is always changing for a variety of reasons. the reasons i can control are
cpu/gpu . as i said what is the highest resolution with all the settings maxxed that can still average
no less than 50 to 70 fps at the high point of battle. and what cpu/gpu is it going to take to do
that . begining to sound like its going to be a quad sli amd fx 4gigs 7900gtx wink wink jk

or certainly an "A" list sli system or cf

if imma gonna pay for it i want it to look good while im playin it

"Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence of
free-wills involve, and you find that you have excluded life itself."

"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts."
C.S. Lewis
First of all there is no such thing as "absolutely no frame rate drop". What you probably mean is smooth gameplay with no visible lag/stuttering that averages, say, 50fps. No matter which graphics card you have, if you go from 1024x768 to 1600x1200 you WILL lose some frames. But if in the first instance you average 140fps and in the second 110 you probably won't even notice it.
Now, on the matter of which GPU/CPU combo is the best for that particular game, things are rather simple. Check out reviews on sites that use BF2 as a benchmark (FiringSquad springs to mind). You will see that AMD fares better than Intel (as usual) and that the FX-60 is top of the line. Furthermore, ATI outperforms NVidia in BF2, with the X1900XTX coming out on top for obvious reasons. But since these are extremely expensive components and since the GPU is more critical than the CPU for gaming performance you could go for an X1900XT(X) and an Athlon 64 4000+ or 4400+ X2. These should deliver plenty of "bang-for-the-buck" and you will probably have one of the fastest systems on the servers so other players will likely lag more than you :wink:
P.S. Of course the router, broadband connection and ping also play a huge role in the overall experience
What ever it takes ...well, under 5 grand id say.

Looks like its going to be in the neighborhood of $ 3.4k to 5k. Its going to take some time to
dial it in just right and not spend enough or spend to much.

I'm on a really good cable connection ping to hundreds of servers in the single digit.
I refuse to play at 800x600. But even at 1024x768 which I personally don't think is high rez.
With all the settings off or set to low, my P4 3.3 2g 850xt agp is at 15 frames in a frag fest,
average is prolly 35fps. With the time I invest in bf2. If it doesn't look its best, it will diminish the
overall enjoyment . That being 2 part, frame rate no lower than 30 and hopefully no lower than
50-70 on average, the other being at least medium if not almost all settings maxxed. At no lower
than 1280x1024. I might go to 5.5k $ if i have to , but I want to get my best estimate ant try to
score with in 99% of resolution/settings & frame rate goals. With no real limit to $ assuming 5.5k
should not be necessary but ill see.

wouldn't it be great if the BF programmers and OS engineers and the gpu makers could find 20
% more efficiency. Then this new sys would only have to cost 2 grand.

{looks for buried wallet}
Some things are worth paying for.... hellish fun killing people who seem to be playing in slow
motion mentally and technologically at bf2 is one of them, for over a yr now so, what the hell.

The more left over for a front projector the better. Bf2 at 120 " with SS audio :: fat smile::

thx for the info chuck

"Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence of
free-wills involve, and you find that you have excluded life itself."

"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts."
C.S. Lewis
If you want a system which has no frame-rate drop... well, you are living in a dream. Even a system with an OC'ed FX-60, 4 gig of RAM and X1900 crossfire setup will still see a frame-rate drop in games like BF2 and Oblivion... especially Oblivion... and with online games, the frame-rate and lag is heavily dependant on the speed of your connection and the server tick time.
{takes out note pad}{writes}"Never say "absolutely no frame rate drop" ever again}

Phew! ok dealt with that :)

To clarify, and thanks to all who actually answered the question despite my former statement
which will no longer be used ::snicker::.

Is it possible ... on average not to drop below perceptible frame rate lag, and maybe even in the
midst of a massive multyplayer fragfest specifically for the game BF2 online play average 50 to
70 frames per sec during a fragfest at 1280x1024(or lower) with most if not all settings near or
at max?
if at all possible what cpu/gpu combo is it going to take ? heck throw in a healthy portion of of
just in case grade cpu/gpu to make sure. what would that combo be?

ping/ server/ router/ lil Johnny's 50 gig picture of his booger to grandpa not withstanding

Im hopping to catch the responses of avid BF2 players that have gone before me so i don't have
waist greenbacks, so i can just learn from their experiments on the subject of BF2 and FR.
Which brings another question has anyone had any chance to test or at least get a side by side
comparison as to which architecture seems to play BF2 faster or better Ati or Nvidia?

again thx to all who gave advice

"Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence of
free-wills involve, and you find that you have excluded life itself."

"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts."
C.S. Lewis