LOLOL. This dude got RIIPPPED off!! HAHAHA. The company is laughing all the way to the bank.
Lets try to sum up all the errors and mistakes!
1) sub-par reservoir and pump, there are much better reservoirs and stronger pumps (needed here!!) that could have been used
2) the blocks being in 'series', this means each cpu in the series will not be cooled as well in sequence, as well as loss of pressure flow. hence the need for stronger pumps. There should have been at least 2 loops here or separate reservoirs and placed in parallel to optimize cooling.
3) the use of AMD cpus. For this amount of money, he could have waiting a few more weeks. The Xeon-based nethalems are due out this month!! march 29th i think is the release date.
4) the dude is looking for performance and not a single SSD was used!! TERRIBLE!!
5) $16k and P.O.S. video card was used! hahaha. That card is how many releases behind now, like 4 or 5? lol.
6) 90 degree barbs used. BIG NO-NO!!! the loss of pressure flow here is going to be huge!
7) reservoir tubes is at the bottom of the loop, Luscious is correct about problems with air bubbles and flow.
8) the price! hah. those components added up don't even come close to 16k. What a moron for not knowing this. I understand Puget needs to make a profit, but cmon! I probably could have done the same for half the price (guesstimate). so like 8k profit for maybe two or three days worth of work building the pc. I'm in the wrong business! I should get into the business of ripping off people, it's so much more profitable!!
I could rip on some of the other choices of components, like the fans. Scythe is the best I believe, but since he was going for 'quiet', i won't pick on them for this because I didnt check the db level and cfm of those fans.
Also, it does look like $**t. no custom case or paint job for that amount of money = 🙁
I won't be surprised if some of the cores start burning out in a few weeks due to the very poor design.