What Does A $16,000+ PC Look Like, Anyway?

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Interesting thread have to respect the builder for coming on .The comments about business overhead are
very true I spent 23 yrs in middle management for a worldwide multinational company with annual sales in the tens of billions and profits in the hundreds of millions sometimes and sometimes annual looses in the billions a lot of people would be surprised to find out that the percentage of net profit to total sales with many corporations are in the low teens or single digit percent range . Smaller companies face a lot of overhead expense
but not insignificant in scale in the least. Also the smaller businesses can't sell bonds and float 5 billion dollar notes to get them through the cyclical adversities that plague most businesses.
Generally higher end products dictate more per unit profit that affords the ability to offer less expensive
lower profit products as well serving a broader market just a standard business model. Some that have posted here have no idea what it costs to run a business many others here do know. I'm in the latter group. I remember when ram was $100.00 a meg and 100MB hard drives were huge and dialing in to a bbs with a 9600 baud modem was the thing way all on Dos of course before aol and or windows I have one
Amd 4 core system and one sandy bridge box and an old p4 system .The SB box gets my vote the AMD is decent though.

I know this is years after the fact and all of what I have to say has pretty much already been said, but I just saw this article/picture series and wanted to comment.

First, killer job listening to your customer and delivering based on his desires/needs. It would be really cool to hear now how the system has performed and how happy your customer was with said performance.

Second, As several others said, I'm very impressed that you came out and backed up/defended your work here. That really shows that you believe in your product quality.

Third, I have always thought it would be awesome to run a custom PC business. I love building PCs, but don't have the guts to go out on the limb necessary to start one up. It is nice to see that you appear to still be successful as well (assuming so anyway since your website is still up and running and looking good) three more years down the line. Kudos to you on that. (If you ever happen to read this) Do you still get involved personally with any of the PC assembly?

Lastly, I actually think the tower came out looking very nice, especially considering everything that went into it. It looks like it was a very clean assembly. The only way you get anything sleeker than that is if you buy some type of cookie cutter computer. However, those cookie cutter computers don't usually look very nice once you take the lid off. This one looks like it still would.
How long until this is made obsolete by a single socket solution? 2 years? 3 years?
I think your prediction of 2-3 years was right. 😀 Intel Xeon E5-2600: Doing Damage With Two Eight-Core CPUs I'm not sure if even Sandy Bridge-E or even just Sandy Bridge or anything Nehalem-based might've already even.

This person's prediction was a little too forgiving I think. :)

Hehe... Just happened onto this picture article because of a link here of a i7-3970X review which led me to the article above, which in turn led me here. :lol:
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