What does TDP mean?

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Aug 15, 2009
hi,please please tel me what tdp means?

and what does this mean?? TDP of ATI HD 4890 is 190 Watt

does tdp refer to power consumption??

I felt sure the first reply would state the maximum power consumption at 100% load. To add to the above post, it refers to the maximum amount of energy that needs to be dissipated at stock speeds and voltages. Obviously if you increase power consumption (and thus heat output) significantly and you keep your cooling system strictly to the TDP it won't be good enough.

EDIT: Early morning typos.
TDP measurements are not standardized so it is not always when the component (CPU, GPU) is at 100% load.

When researching this topic a few years ago, it seems that AMD does indeed measure TDP at 100% load for their CPUs. However, Intel approach is/was a little different, their measurement of TDP was based on above average CPU usage over time, but not greater than roughly 80% - 85% load to simulate typical "power user" usage.
TDP can mean anything

Acronym Definition
TDP Thermal Design Power (CPU design)
TDP Telugu Desam Party
TDP Technical Data Package
TDP Tag Distribution Protocol (Cisco)
TdP Torsades de Pointes (French: Twisting of the Points)
TDP Thymidine 5'-Diphosphate
TDP Testing Designated Position
TDP Tivoli Data Protection
TDP Team Description Paper
TDP Thermal Depolymerization Process
TDP Transit Development Program
TDP Total Dissipated Power
TDP Transmitter Documentation Project
TDP Thief: the Dark Project (video game)
TDP Telocator Data Protocol
TDP Trigger Detection Point (Telcordia)
TDP Touch Down Point
TDP Tennessee Democratic Party
TDP Tactical Data Processor
TDP The Dreamscapes Project (band)
TDP Take-off Decision Point
TDP Technology Demonstrator Program
TDP Thermal Death Point (microbes)
TDP The Dark Path (online gaming guild)
TDP Technical Development Plan
TDP Texas Dwelling Policy (insurance; now RDP, Rental Dwelling Policy)
TDP Tabular Data Provider
TDP Test Design Plan
TDP The Dead Pool (movie)
TDP Time, Date and Place
TDP Therapist Driven Protocol
TDP Technology Development Process
TDP Training Development Plan
TDP Target Data Processor
TDP Telemetry Data Processor
TDP Trainee Discharge Program
TDP Target Deployment Ports (IBM® Rational® Test RealTime®)
TDP Turbine Exhaust Pressure
TDP Target Director Post
TDP Technical Design Plan
TDP Tactical Development Plan
TDP Technical Detail Procedure
TDP Training Discharge Program (US Army)
TDP Total Drill Population
TDP Threat Display & Projection
TDP The Dead Pizza (blog)
TDP Target Data Program
TDP Thedogpark.net (online dog community)
TDP Tested Drug Positions
TDP Tucson Dog Protection (Tucson, AZ)
TDP The Doll Palace, Inc.
TDP Team Dodge Podge (Geocache team)
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