What fps do you game at?

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Aug 22, 2012
Hey I am just wondering what fps everyone games at. I hear people saying 30 fps is unacceptable but don't consoles run at 30 fps. IMO i cannot tell the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps. When I am gaming I choose better graphics at ~40fps then lower graphics at 60+ fps. I am wondering what your guys thoughts are on the sweet spot in terms of fps and graphics quality is and what fps you aim for?
Depends on the game. If I'm playing an online competitive game or a shooting game, I prefer the FPS to be as high as possible as long as there is no tearing. Games like Skyrim, TW: Shogun 2 or XCOM for example, I can play at lower framerates, but I still rather have constant 35+ FPS.
i used to play @ 60 fps with vsync until i changed my refresh to 75 and locked it there. bf3 seems much smoother. 550ti sli haha ultra @ 1440x900 yes not the best resolution but they play good at that and hold 75 constant and only drops when i get killed
My opinion i can tell a difference between 30 and 60 frames. 60 just feels smoother/responsive and 30 feels jittery between frames i cant explain it but theres a difference. As the games ive played on xbox then playing the exact game on pc at 60 frames i would never go back on consoles or 30 frames unless i had to for some odd reason.

Yup that is why adaptive vsync is so awesome, and to me a pretty big advantage over the AMD cards.
60 fps is the magnum opus of ultra smooth gaming. but not everyone has the hardware to run the latest games at 60fps on highest settings.
so 30fps is where i aim at minimum. 30fps is very playable and i have no problem with games running at 30fps but its when games dip from 30 to 20's or 10's thats when the problem arises.
Disregard that link (maybe) - guy on the last page of the thread tears apart most of the original post.

Even towards the end there, someone saying TF2 is smoother at 200fps on a 60Hz monitor. I'd like to see an authoritative explanation of how that could happen without really bad tearing.

Its there..when the block is spinning in the air it looks smoother when its rotating 60 fps compared to 30 and you dont see as much jerkyness overall

Same for me. I can't see a visual difference between 30-60 fps but can feel it in game play. It really does impact fast paced shooters but MMO's not so much at least not until you are under 30 fps in MMO's. I usually try to tweak my settings so I stay over 60 fps at all times in shooters like BF3.

Not everyone sees the same frame rates, MOST people will be able to tell but i would not be surprised if a good 10-20% of people could actually not tell a difference.

Well you're talking about a console running at 30FPS and a PC running at 60+. I hope everyone can tell the difference.

So you are basing your assessment on a sample size of... 2? I think it would be a cool experiment to maybe test 100-1000 people and get some usable results.
Adaptive vsyn from nvidia turns off if you go under the target FPS, say you ahve vsync set to 60 and due to the demands of the game your FPS drops to 40. With adaptive vsync vsync is just turned off and you get the FPS your graphics card can handle putting out(40 fps)... With normal vsync you might see some stutter and then your fps getting set to 30 fps vs the 40 you would get otherwise. That is more or less the difference.
Hmmm i never noticed any stuttering and i play all my demanding games at around 40 fps (only have 6850) with vertical refresh always on. Actually come to think of it AMD's vertical refresh does exactly how you described Nvidia's vsync

Same i'd love to see this tested on a large population. 500-1000 at least. I'd bet my monthly paycheck that you get closed to 50% wrong answers on whats 60 fps and whats 30 fps if you used the same set ups (2 pc's) instead of a gaming console vs pc. The hardware should always be the same when doing these tests 😀.