What is 10/100/1000 MBit/s Gigabit Ethernet LAN?


Nov 17, 2013
I'm buying a gaming pc and I'm not sure if it has wifi in it. Under network it says 10/100/1000 MBit/s Gigabit Ethernet LAN.
I have no idea what this is lol, can anyone please help me out i'm so lost.
That is the "hardwire" connection circuit (need to plug an Ethernet cable into it). If your motherboard did not come with built in "wireless" then you will need to get a wireless adapter, but this only works if you have a wireless internet connection device (i.e.- router)
That is the "hardwire" connection circuit (need to plug an Ethernet cable into it). If your motherboard did not come with built in "wireless" then you will need to get a wireless adapter, but this only works if you have a wireless internet connection device (i.e.- router)

Will this work?www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00416Q5KI/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE I do have a router

Thanks man, I had no idea about the b g n things! Could of wasted £15 on a useless product