Question What is taking my memory?


Jul 27, 2017
I haven't noticed it until recently my friend asked me to play Squad with him and I got a ridiculous loading time to load into a game to just get disconnected with the error message "Out of memory". So I went to check in Task manager and with only Discord running my RAM Usage is around 45%. I've tried turning off Paging and it didn't do anything.

I currently have:

GTX 1070 TI 8GB
Core I5-8400
120GB SSD (Windows only)
2TB Hard Drive

At the moment I can't buy more RAM and I don't know what else to do. Im guessing that the problem is my graphics card and my amount of RAM but im not to sure.
Look and see what program is using most of the memory in task manager.

Id run a malware scan.

I just ran Avast and nothing popped up, when I close everything I have open the thing using the most amount of RAM is around 34mb, I have disabled background apps inside of the settings and also searched and disabled some services but there is still around 1GB of RAM thats being used that I can't see whats using it.