What is the difference between EIST and C1E


Feb 15, 2009
What is the difference between EIST and C1E

Q6600 2.4 , w/ P45 Platinum 3.0GHz, OCZ Reaper 4gb 1066 5-5-5-15 -- not sure why but my ram is reading at 800 (PC2-8500)

CPU V 1.21v
Dram 2.196

EIST Disabled
C1E Enabled

Got a blue screen on start up.
should I consider Clock skew and frequency?

CPU Frequency 1000mhz
PCI Frequency 800mhz

CPU CLK Skew:500ps
Mch CLK Skew:100ps

From what i understand if there is a problem it will solve it, if not then it only changes it by 1/trillionth of a second.


My question is it possible the blue screen was caused by a bad skew timing?

Harmful skew

Two types of violation can be caused by clock skew. One problem is caused when the clock travels more slowly than the path from one register to another - allowing data to penetrate two registers in the same clock tick, or maybe destroying the integrity of the latched data. This is called a hold violation because the previous data is not held long enough at the destination flip-flop to be properly clocked through. Another problem is caused if the destination flip-flop receives the clock tick earlier than the source flip-flop - the data signal has that much less time to reach the destination flip-flop before the next clock tick. If it fails to do so, a setup violation occurs, so-called because the new data was not set up and stable before the next clock tick arrived. A hold violation is more serious than a setup violation because it cannot be fixed by increasing the clock period. Positive skew and negative skew cannot negatively impact setup and hold timing constraints respectively (see inequalities below).
Wikipedia: Clock Skew


My Ultimate goal is to run 8GBs of ram. Why? because I can.
actually i accidentally ordered extra
supports up to 16gbs
C1E is an Enhanced Halt State, to do with the way that the PC goes into hibernation.
EIST (aka Speedstep) is the processor reducing its multiplier as a way of saving energy when the system is sat doing nothing, but not in hibernation.

Your RAM needs to be manually adjusted to 1066MHz in BIOS. I'd say where in the BIOS it's done, but I don't know the BIOS your are using. From the loks of it, that may well be the cause of your BSOD.

Keep you Skews as normal - they won't be the cause of the BSOD (famous last words!).

Just to eliminate the possibility, try adding a fraction on to your Vcore. 1.21V is quite low.


Just as a quick add-on; I take it you meant CPU & PCIe amplitude voltage, not CPU & PCIe frequency??
Otherwise the values you wrote in your post would be beyond mental lol
yes good call, there is also a setting under clockgen that reads:

ClockGen Tuner

Adjust CPU Frequency Auto (MHz)
Adjust PCI Frequency Auto (MHz)
Auto Disable DRAM/PCI Frequency

Running anything more than 4gb the system becomes unstable.
its been stable since. i set the it to 1000 800.

When you say fraction how much is that like 1/2 .50v?

The reason I mentioned the ram frequency, is because a few cmos restets ago The ram was reading at 1067 from boot,

though this time, and the first time, its reading at 800
It has been auto adjusted to 1066
Another reason I mentioned the Ram is because when booted today and had to pull the ram and plug it in again, in order for the system to boot.
why would that happen.
Hang on....i think i might have misunderstood your original post. Are you trying an overclock to 3GHz or is this purely a RAM upgrade?

If you are not doing an OC then your CPU voltage is fine.

It's probably worth running Memtest to see if your memory is ok. I can't think why the RAM would need to be pulled out to get the PC to boot, unless it wasn't seated properly. It's either that or as a side effect of you pulling out the RAM it 'fixed' a problem in another area.

What are your northbridge settings? Might be worth a look if all else fails!
I have manually overclocked using the jumpers on the mainboard.

Northbridge consists of the GPU (PCIE) and RAM-

The ram is timed to 5-5-5-15 Ill have to look for the EPP menu again, it was freezing the bios at one point when I tried to enter it.
2.2v Manufacturer Recommended settings. set to 1066

GPU is set to default on all.
information on my hardware is in my profile.

I used my vista disc to test the memory with out errors.
i burned a bootable disc with mem test but it only lasted about 30 seconds- and would test again, i've been meaning to recreate a new disc from a fresh download.
the test was done when the system was overclocked.

Errrrrrrrr. Doesn't sound right. What jumpers did you adjust?
MS-7512 Mainboard

The mainboard provides the following jumper for you to set the computer's function.
This section will explain how to change your motherboard's function through the use of [the] jumper.

Hardware Overclock FSB Jumpers JB1, JB2 (Optional)
You can overclock the FSB to increase the processor frequency bo changing the jumpers JB1 and JB2. Follow the instruction below to set the FSB.


Q6600 2.4 , w/ P45 Platinum 3.0GHz, OCZ Reaper 4gb 1066 5-5-5-15 ...

3.0 = 333x9

I don't think i can change It using the bios. +/- like the voltage.

Though something is definitely better
loading gimp to edit the photo, took only a second or two, before it had taken nearly a minute.
Ive got some serious issues somewhere, I reset the jumpers to default 200
Hung once on Memory Detection Test The LED will hang if the memory is damaged or not installed properly.
Then Hung on Decompressing bios to ram for fast booting.

At this point I just powered down and set the jumpers back and rebooted,
The FSB frequency can be adjusted using the +/- and the Modifier can be lowered.
Raising the FSB Frequency raised the ram also.

The ram is now reading at 1067
I was getting errors when the FSB Jumpers were set on their default setting also, weeks ago.
Still Freezing the bios when the EPP settings are selected.
Secondly I'm gonna bite the bullet and reset to factory default, and wipe the bios if i have to its easy enough.
The machine reboots when trying to boot from the cd, I burned the ISO
Set the clockspeed to normal set the bios at Fail safe, then loaded the Ram settings.
Set CD DVD as the Primary Boot device.
at 1x cd directly downloaded, should i be doing something different?
if you're having problems with the disc image, try booting and testing your PC using 1 RAM stick at a time. If that foesn't kick up any BSODs then pick 1 RAM stick and try it in each of teh DIMM slots to see if that does anything