Question What is the Oldest Camera you own?

Feb 22, 2025
Lets Socialize about the oldest Camera you own! Go go

I have a Casio 10.1 Mega Pixels EXILM. NO idea what year I got it.

Well other than disposable ones of course. 😀

Well I guess I have not figured out how to post jpeg/images here yet.

How about you?
I have a couple Olympus OM-1 camera bodies from the mid 70's along with glass. Both bodies are still functional, as well the glass is able to be used on my 40 odd years newer OMD EM10 mk 1 and OMD EM5 mk 1 bodies. Considering the newest camera I own excluding the one on my phone is 11 years old I'm probably due. That said, both OMD bodies still match or even exceed what I can purchase today in image quality, only missing out on some quality of life features and perhaps a better autofocus system. So, maybe I'll wait just a bit longer.