What kind of CPU, graphics and memory does a modern Macintosh computer have

There really aren't any more, they switced to using pc's as the market for apple has been dead since 1990. Even back then the government had to prop them up by paying for a system for each classroom in america. Funny part was if you asked a teacher what kind of computer they had they all said a pc "or do you mean the one in my classroom". Now they are stuck running their software on pc's which is the last move they had left before simply coming out with a software to compete with Windows which is the only chance they have left.

You gotta be kidding... there aren't any macs... v.v

To alex_27 though..


and scroll down to desktops if thats what you are looking for. Just pick which desktop model you want and it'll tell you about them. and all the way on the right are the tech spechs which is what you are interested in.

They are not bad computers, just RIDICULOUSLY overpriced in my opinion..