What kind of graphics card is good for my old PC?

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Jan 19, 2013
I have an old Dell Dimension 9100 that runs games like Minecraft and Garry's Mod quite well, with minimal lag. Whenever I go to http://www.systemrequirementslab.com to check whether a game can run on my PC, it's usually the graphics card that is the problem. I'm looking for a graphics card that's $50.00 or below that works well for gaming, specifically Minecraft.

My Specs:

If anything is missing, let me know and I'll add it.
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1

CPU: Intel Pentium D CPU 2.80GHz (2 CPUs) ~2.8GHz

Ram: DDR2 3GB (3072MB)

Graphics Card: ATi Radeon x300/x550/x1050 Series

I found one that seems promising, but I'm still not sure if it would run:


All help is greatly appreciated.
Its under $50 under rebate if you cant pay $20 more before the rebate, then don't even buy anything. I don't even think under $100 will get you anywhere for a gaming graphics card.

OP, Your presenting a situation that is not really possible. You want to spend no more than $50, but you also want to run Minecraft on very high settings. Sorry, but there's just nothing out there that can do what you want.

If you absolutely refuse to go any higher than $50 (and can't wait for a rebate to get back to you), I'd probably recommend a GT 430. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500263 ... but if you get that I can't guarantee you'll be able to run your game on highest settings (I've never played Minecraft).

Otherwise, I'd echo what the guy a couple posts above me just said. Get a 6670. There are a couple on Newegg with $15 and $20 rebates that will bring the total cost to $50. If you want a marked improvement in performance then taking the couple extra dollars and waiting for your rebate is HIGHLY recommended. You're simply not going to get a card any nicer than that for less. There's likely a very noticeable difference between the 6670 and anything cheaper. They are one of the best "cheap" value cards out there.

Here are the 6670 links:


Edit: In addition, as someone just noted, you may need to upgrade power supply if you don't have enough wattage. Check that before buying anything. Getting improved video card performance is not a cheap venture.
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