What kind of video card can i get?


Aug 24, 2011
ok i really dont know much at all about video cards and i have an integrated intel gam x4500 at the moment and i wanted to get a better one then that, i have an hp slimline pavilion and i do know i have a pci-e x1 x16 32 bit slot also its a dual processor with 4 gb of ram and 3.2 ghz, and other things are core voltage is 2.220 V, my d ram frequenncy is 400 mhz and if you need to know more just tell me. what are some of the best video cards i can get with this setup
A slimline computer is going to need a low profile video card which limits your options. What we need to know that you didn't list is the power supply rating. It should be written on a chart on the PSU inside the case or if you tell us the actually model of the computer we can look it up.
You probably have a machine that is deliberately made so you have limited or no upgrade options.

If you are considering a few hundred dollars for a card you already probably exceeded the worth of your machine.

My two cents.

Video cards also require power. What can you do with your juice box? How many watts and what is your max amps on the rail?
Well as it is anything over a GTX550ti or 6850 will get bottlenecked by your CPU so that kinda limits your budget below $160 anyway.If you do want to get a GTX550ti or a 6850 you will need to get a new PSU.

Can you measure to see how big of PSU you can fit?(Remember to turn the PC off and ground yourself when you do this.)

He will need a low profile card so the GTX 550 Ti and HD6850 are right out. If I recall there are some low profile HD5770s which would be the best card you can get, if you can still track one down(and install a capable PSU.)
O yah.Forgot that the 6850 doesn't come in low-profile.I'm also having a hard time finding a capable PSU.Size restrictions really make it difficult.

I can't seem to find any low-profile cards above the 6570.You might as well just get the 6570.It's still a large improvement over the intergreated GPU and you don't have to change your PSU.