What motherboard would you buy?


Jan 12, 2007
Hi Guys,

I am about to upgrade my old m/b to new one.

I have been looking to the websites reviews and so on. I haven't decided whether to get X38 chipset or P35
since P35 still can perform as good as X38 there is no point going to DDR3 thats my thinking because DDr3 is so expensive at this stage.

Now the Boards so far I looked at:

Asus Blitz Formula = $365 AU Dolllar

Asus P5K Deluxe WIFI = $275 AU

Asus P5K Premium WIFI = 285 AU

Asus Maximus - Formula X38 DDR2 = $400 AU

Gigabyte DS3P = $165 AU

Gigabyte DS4P = $200 AU

Now I will not be doing crossfire as with comes as dual pci-e. But as far as I dont know how good the X38 futures compares to P35 is it worth going to X38 DDR2 motherboard since with coming 45nm Cpu's.

The Processor which I already bought E8500 3.16 GHz

VGA : Asus 8800 GTS 320mb

What do you guys recommend?

I need some ideas please.

Get a board that explicitly supports your E8500 processor. Having researched this, I know that both gigabyte boards will do so, provided they are at the revision 2.1 level. I don't know about the others, but they are more expensive. Do they have features that you need? An add-in wifi or firewire card is cheap if you need one on a cheaper board.

As to performance, you can expect it to be within 1-2% among all of them with the same cpu. If you want record overclocks, then the X38 might be a bit better.
Thanks for the replies guys.

Apparently intel releasing X48 already.

Now one of the friends was saying here x38 chipset. Well guess what I do have bit of a money to burn so should I wait for X48 or buy X38 or P35. A lot of the performance reviews says P35 performance same as X38 so unless if I am doing crossfire than there is no point going to X38.
unless if you guys might know something else as a point.

I have look at the top range DDR2 motherboards as well but the point is:
is it wort paying Blitz formula $365 Au dolars or is it better to get something like Gigabyte DS4 and save some money thats what I am after.

Thanks heaps,