"Yup I have done it myself and almost ended up ruining my cpu, luckely just f'd up my BIOS."
Based on what? How do you know you almost ruined your CPU?
"No one said that it wouldn't work, It "does" but you gain 0% gain in performance since you can only incrrease a few Mhz (100 max probably) [...]"
There's the potential to get a lot more than a few hundred MHz. People are getting locked skylake CPUs up to 4.5 GHz (maybe higher) with air cooling. That's a significant OC, especially for something like an i5-6400.
"[...] and you end up with a instable system. Im not understanding ur point in trying to defend something that will likely cause some sort of problem. OCying a locked CPU often causes coputer crashes and so on."
OCing any CPU, locked or unlocked, can result in instability and crashes, at least until you get the right combination of voltage and frequency. And I'm not necessarily promoting non-k OC, so much as I'm against people spreading FUD about overclocking without any evidence.
And for the record, I've played around with overclocking my i3-6100, so I'm not just going armchair-expert on this.