[SOLVED] What parts would make my system bottleneck?


Dec 12, 2014
I'm looking to do an upgrade on my GPU, but I'm holding off, because I want to make sure that I don't bottleneck my PC(graphics wise).

Using a Ryzen 5 2600X, 16GB DDR4 Vengeance @3000MHz, EVGA GTX 1060 6GB, TUF X470 Plus Gaming MoBo, EVGA 1000G PSU, ACER XF270H Monitor

Wanting to look at doing 1440p gaming, but not sure if I should get a 2060/2070 series card, or 5600XT/5700XT, and if I would experience any bottlenecking?

Any feedback/help would be appreciated :)
Your system is more than enough for even a 2080 so you're fine I mean sure if you have a more recent CPU you'll get 10 FPS or 15 FPS or more in situations but overall you should be fine with any video card you get. Just make sure you're running over 4 gigahertz on the CPU and you should be fine.
Your system is more than enough for even a 2080 so you're fine I mean sure if you have a more recent CPU you'll get 10 FPS or 15 FPS or more in situations but overall you should be fine with any video card you get. Just make sure you're running over 4 gigahertz on the CPU and you should be fine.
Your system is more than enough for even a 2080 so you're fine I mean sure if you have a more recent CPU you'll get 10 FPS or 15 FPS or more in situations but overall you should be fine with any video card you get. Just make sure you're running over 4 gigahertz on the CPU and you should be fine.
Only thing is, I'm not very familiar with how to overclock my CPU. I'm aware that it has to do with regulating the voltage & CPU multiplier in BIOS, but I've never done any kind of overclock.
Only thing is, I'm not very familiar with how to overclock my CPU. I'm aware that it has to do with regulating the voltage & CPU multiplier in BIOS, but I've never done any kind of overclock.
With AMD chips they come out sorta OCed already and you can't gain much over PBO. Make sure in your BIOS PBO is enabled and let it do the OCing for you. At most youll go to 4.1Ghz then down to 3.9Ghz and so on. If you manually OC you risk stability issues plus you can only get maybe 4.2Ghz with a lot of heat.