[SOLVED] What power supply should I get?


Jan 30, 2021
I'm looking for a psu under 70 bucks and one that's good and can last for future cpu or gpu upgrades (Not happening except in 2-5 years.
My specs that I will be buying:
1650 super
gaming mouse/keyboard
Thermaltake H18 with 4 fans
24inch 75hz monitor
4x2gb ram ddr4
240gb ssd Sata
7200rpm 1tb hdd
silverstone fan hub
Please help me find a budget psu under 70 bucks as I am on a tight budget. If you have any recommendations about my system please list them. Thank you in advance.
Current Corsair psus do not explode. If they do anything at all other than work as intended, it's die quietly. Understabd there's two types of Corsair psus, the older colored blocky letter kind and the newer (since @ 2017) grey/silver - black label kind.

Both kinds are available, especially in the Indo-Asiatic markets who had larger stockpiles of the older psus and are still selling them at just under the newer version prices, and still see considerable sales on the used market. Sellers take advantage of buyer ignorance, buyer orders a CX blindly and gets sent the old kind, never thinking he got 5 year old stock from a back shelf.

I've had more than a few conversations with the Top Brass at Corsair, and you will just have to take it...
If you need more proof here is a list of this forum's powersupplies.
As you can see CX is Tier B,midrange system's.
If you go all the way down,you will see tier D and there is VS units,recommended for cheap igpu pc's/

Deleted member 2720853

The problem is my budget is limited. Are the thermaltake litepower series good?

Gray CX series from Corsair are good. They won't explode. The litepower might.

Used my CX 650 for two years and I have a 3900X and RTX 3070 currently. No issues apart from some coil whine. But the CX has started not being adequate for my system now that's why I'm replacing it -- not because it's bad. It's not bad.


Current Corsair psus do not explode. If they do anything at all other than work as intended, it's die quietly. Understabd there's two types of Corsair psus, the older colored blocky letter kind and the newer (since @ 2017) grey/silver - black label kind.

Both kinds are available, especially in the Indo-Asiatic markets who had larger stockpiles of the older psus and are still selling them at just under the newer version prices, and still see considerable sales on the used market. Sellers take advantage of buyer ignorance, buyer orders a CX blindly and gets sent the old kind, never thinking he got 5 year old stock from a back shelf.

I've had more than a few conversations with the Top Brass at Corsair, and you will just have to take it on faith that if there was any doubts about Corsair psus, I'd not be using one in my $3500 fully liquid cooled pc.

A Corsair RMx or TXM 650w would be preferable for a gaming pc with an uncertain gpu future, the worst thing you can do is use a bad psu in any pc, but the CX (not CXM) is very decent for a mid-low end system.

It might be brand new, but a gtx1650 and Intel 10400f is barely into gaming pc catagory, low end, no matter it's price. A rtx3080 and 10700k on a $400 motherboard is high end. Considerable difference in ability and cost.

And absolutely NO, the TT Smart/Lite power, TR2 (pretty much anything other than the high grade Tough Power) psus are junk for Any gaming related pc, they are intended for Office use that has no real need for the instantaneous demands of a gaming class gpu. Same with the CM Masterwatts line.
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