What radiator do I need for my custom PC case?


May 16, 2012
So I am working on a custom wooden case mod, is pretty much a rectangle box. I am planning to watercool this rig and I need help on the airflow design:


I want to use UV green fans and currently own 3 of these:

Specs about my case/build:
i5 2500k
Radeon HD 7950
A few HDD's
650watt PSU modular
I own this pump: http://www.dangerden.com/store/dd-cpx1-12v_pump.html

7x7x38 (inches)
Front window (long side of rectangle) plexi
Material: MDF Wood

I dont intend on OCing like crazy, only slightly.

My question is what kind of radiator do I need for my setup? I want to use 2x120 (fits best), but will that run too hot (was planning single loop)? Only the GPU and CPU will be watercooled

What thickness of tubes should I use?

How does my airflow look in the case? I originally wanted to use a 2x120mm to push air out of case via radiator, and have 1 fan to push air INTO case.


May 16, 2012

Awesome thanks, look forward to your help!
I think you're going to need a bit more rad space (probably a good 360) if you want to cool the CPU and GPU.

Also, have you considered having the radiator mounted sideways in a way such that all the fans blow the same direction? You'd have much better airflow through the case.
Is there any specific reason for the sizing there? just wondering is all,
and I couldn't link this from my phone but I built a wooden radbox recently so maybe you could adapt it to fit the Mobo/Psu in,
I agree on the 360 minimum radspace as well, you could have two in the roof of the box above the Mobo and leave the sides narrower if you need/wish, or even underneath the Mobo,
as you have drawn it the box is 120mm high? that needs adjusting as radiators tend to be around 120-125mm wide so that may be your minimum\ height, depending on the Gpu height ofc
this is an interesting project though and I'm happy to contribute in any way I can man


May 16, 2012
Its going to be a component of inside my desk, hence why the weird size.

When you guys say 360 radiator, I assume you are saying a 3x120 Rad?

Are you guys suggesting I buy 2 360 rads to cool the GPU and CPU....would 1 not suffice?

Any recommendations for a good 360 RAD cooler?

And would the 3 UV fans I posted in first post be good enough? I dont want to do a push/pull config.
The actual case dimensions are 7x7x38 inches...I just had it drawn in the diagram that this is where I could fit a 120mm fan.

Unfortuantley, there is no way I can angle the radiator (unless it was just a 120mm one) across from the intake fan, so this is my only choice. It can't be under mobo either as there is not enough room.
One 360 would do, and perform better in pushpull, thats why we suggest it, maximum performance possible from that would negate the need for another rad, at least until you overclock a bit more seriously at least
Can you post a pic of desk please?
I'm off to sleep now but will look back later today when I get up :)
Check out the W/c sticky as well if you haven't already,


May 16, 2012
Was reading up on em :)

So what is a good radiator for my fans? From looking around it seems this one is a favorite:

I dont want to get something with too much FPI because I dont know if my fans can handle it, nor do I want to spend more on fans/hate extra noise.

This radiator is pricey though, is there a cheaper alternative? Maybe a thinner one that can do the job for me?

Here are the pictures:



Hopefully my diagram will make more sense :)

On the top there will be 3x monitors for my eyeinfity setup so it wont be possible to exhaust air from the top. The front side of the desk will have plexiglass wall instead of wood.
I see the three monitors are already mounted on the frame hehe
I'm hoping the desk is going against the wall, theres going to be a lot of weight and it may not be stable free standing,
almost as good as the RX series rads, although I can squeeze two rads into the plan easily here, and use the saving to grab some XSpc 2000Rpm fans,
quick tip here, the more rads and fans you have, the slower you can run the fans to get the best cooling overall with near silent noise levels
My fourteen on my two Ex360's are never above 25% unless I'm having a mad O/c session and its silent
check the video here

thats two EX360's in the box underneath
I have a plan for the build, but I'll get back to you later after trying to sleep and draw something into your picture for you,
Are you certain the M-Atx mobo is going to fit in there ok?
Micro-Atx dimensions are 244X244mm which is more than seven inches,
Not to worry though, Moto has ways of making things happen..... :)


May 16, 2012

Thanks bud really appreciate your help!

Yes the desk is going to be up against the wall so the trimonitor stand will be stable (i might harness it to the wall to prevent it from falling forward).

This is more of how the mobo will place with the desk (the picture is the side of the desk). It will have to extend a few inches, I dont mind a small expansion from the back:

Would a 120x4 radiator be a better choice compared to 2 differ radiators? I dont know how we could fit 2 3x120 radiators in o_O

Ok, a single 480 would be another option, but I like the visual balance here of two 360's, plus the cooling power/ silence potential is increased as I mentioned earlier,
Red boxes are intake fans, Orange is the rads and the fans on them would be pulling out of the box,

pushpull is the most effective setup and will allow maximum cooling here
I don't understand how you say the I/o ports will be set up, I would have the mobo set in the middle of the two rads and the I/o at the rear of the set up, then you can run the wires out of sight behind the box, and it also allows for the extra length on the mobo
if you wanted extra intakes for any reason you can always mount a couple of fans in the acrylic/plexi at the front
I'd start the project with installing the acrylic at the front and the two side panels, as they are not likely to ever move/ be removed, so you can probably weld them on and get them solid,
the fun part is designing the rear panel to be removable, to allow access for routine cleaning,
Screws would be my choice of fastener here,
*Edit, I'm thinking the Psu vent should be one of the sidepanels or maybe between the rads, you're definitely looking at some custom cables/extensions I reckon though
and with a little thought we can keep most of the cables out of sight, had you any plans for the tubing? Uv reactive to light the box up a bit maybe?


May 16, 2012
There was one big problem with keeping the mobo in the middle, the length of the graphics card (7950) is too long. Having the IO ports @ the rear means I can position the card along the length of the space without having further increase the width of the case.

I took pictures of this here:

As for the tubing/color scheme this was my inspiration...I really want to go with the UV green liquid/fans and Blue UV cathode lights:



May 16, 2012
Playing a bit more around with your idea, after looking at it, it is very possible to have 2x120mm intake fans on the TOP.

And just throwing the idea out there, it would be possible to keep the PSU outside the case if we just cant make it fit...should the PSU be placed in such a way where it takes intake from inside the case, and exhausts air outside?

Yup, looks like the gfx cards going to dictate here how the mobo sits,
the options are either extend to the front, difficult and possibly you don't want anything coming that way,
or have the excess coming out of the rear, which I think is the way to go with this, keep the front looking tidy and clean
**Edit you posted as I was writing up :)
Yes, possible to have the Psu outside, but where can it go thats nonobtrusive and safe?
I think as the acrylic shows the internals, you would be well advised to try and keep a balance but its non essential obviously, it would just look prettier
and I'm all for some intakes on the top level too
At least two intakes should be enough on top, theres endless debate as to air pressure balance, some say have more intakes, some say more exhaust
For no particular reason I'm a bit towards the positive pressure side, three intakes to one exhaust, and on the box its Six intakes to two exhaust
That works on my set up but yours is very different again from mine (which is far from 'standard')
We need to ensure you get enough air flowing through the entire section, not just in one or two spots,
I'll redraw the sketch in the morning with some ideas for fan placement
And the pump is ok as long as we keep to the outlined loop, if you add more in the future I would definitely add another identical pump about halfway through the loop
*Edit for spellfail


May 16, 2012
I was considering adding a fan say in the middle of the case to help direct the flow of air within the case? I dont know if this is a viable solution or a waste

And can you suggest me a good 4x120 rad?
I'd look at either the RX/EX 480's or the Phobya G-changer, if its the RX it will define where that is placed as its a fat rad before you throw 50mm of fan on there, (standard fans are 25mm thick)
So it would have to be down the far end away from the rest of the kit, the EX or Phobya units are thinner and could be made to co-exist with the mobo, I'll sketch both plans out though
Wait till I post up in the morning and see what you think

Ok, the red box is where the RX would have to go due to the overall size,
yellow is Psu with vent to the rear, I'd mount that a few Cm off the floor level to allow good airflow
Blue is where a thinner 360 or 480 could go
and purple are ideas for top fan locations, as well as the previously discuss endfans, the mobo end one would have to be mounted high up in the panel to clear the I/o shield/gfx card and I'm not certain it will work tbh
once the gears here its a lot easier to put things into place and figure it out though,
then we can see where we really are for spacing etc
green is mobo obviously, the only issue I see with you wanting it there is that the M-atx is larger than 7 inches as I mentioned earlier



May 16, 2012