What RELEASED games actually need an awesome graphics card?

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Mar 20, 2007
Games that need an 8800 now? I dunno. Wish I knew.

Can anyone suggest a game that will really tax my X1800XT 512MB (On an Opty 170 @ 2.9) @ 1680x1050 with 2X AA / 16X AF?

Haven't found one yet that gives me an excuse to replace it.

Tried CoD2, FEAR/XP, Oblivion, HL2 Ep1, Titan Quest, Prey, BF 2, Genesis Rising, Dark Messiah, Spellforce 2, Halo, Mage Knight, WoW, Quake 4, Cold Fear, Fable, Tomb Raider Legends, Splinter Cell 1 2 3 4.....

EDIT. C&C 3 runs great too

They are all on the shelf behind me.

And they all run great with everything cranked up at that res. I admit Vista slowed SC Double Agent a bit, but I switched back to XP and all is fine.

I will buy an HD 2800XTX, but I need some eye candy for now. Am I missing something cool?
X1800XT 512MB is an awesome card.
You don't need to replace it at least for now.
And off course you have a great CPU.
Just as a recommendation, try Test Drive Unlimited & Infernal & S.T.A.L.K.E.R, as these three games have the best graphic i think & i had some problem running Test Drive Unlimited & 1280x1024+HDR+4xAA with my previews X1900XTX(still cant reach +50 FPS at 1600x1200+HDR+4xAA with my current system, think i need a better CPU :x ).Infernal is not heavy (played with three digits FPS on my previews X1900XTX) but it has a really beautiful graphic.Still you won't find any problem running these three games.


Jul 11, 2006
Games that need an 8800 now? I dunno. Wish I knew.

Can anyone suggest a game that will really tax my X1800XT 512MB (On an Opty 170 @ 2.9) @ 1680x1050 with 2X AA / 16X AF?

Haven't found one yet that gives me an excuse to replace it.

Tried CoD2, FEAR/XP, Oblivion, HL2 Ep1, Titan Quest, Prey, BF 2, Genesis Rising, Dark Messiah, Spellforce 2, Halo, Mage Knight, WoW, Quake 4, Cold Fear, Fable, Tomb Raider Legends, Splinter Cell 1 2 3 4.....

EDIT. C&C 3 runs great too

They are all on the shelf behind me.

And they all run great with everything cranked up at that res. I admit Vista slowed SC Double Agent a bit, but I switched back to XP and all is fine.

I will buy an HD 2800XTX, but I need some eye candy for now. Am I missing something cool?
X1800XT 512MB is an awesome card.
You don't need to replace it at least for now.
And off course you have a great CPU.
Just as a recommendation, try Test Drive Unlimited & Infernal & S.T.A.L.K.E.R, as these three games have the best graphic i think & i had some problem running Test Drive Unlimited & 1280x1024+HDR+4xAA with my previews X1900XTX(still cant reach +50 FPS at 1600x1200+HDR+4xAA with my current system, think i need a better CPU :x ).Infernal is not heavy (played with three digits FPS on my previews X1900XTX) but it has a really beautiful graphic.Still you won't find any problem running these three games.

Sounds good thanks :)

I have STALKER but lent it to my buddy for him to try out the second I bought it. Will have to get it back me thinks....


May 16, 2006
Games that need an 8800 now? I dunno. Wish I knew.

Can anyone suggest a game that will really tax my X1800XT 512MB (On an Opty 170 @ 2.9) @ 1680x1050 with 2X AA / 16X AF?

Haven't found one yet that gives me an excuse to replace it.
Vanguard will bring your card to its knees at high settings.


Jul 11, 2006
Games that need an 8800 now? I dunno. Wish I knew.

Can anyone suggest a game that will really tax my X1800XT 512MB (On an Opty 170 @ 2.9) @ 1680x1050 with 2X AA / 16X AF?

Haven't found one yet that gives me an excuse to replace it.
Vanguard will bring your card to its knees at high settings.

Hrmmm..... Pay per month again.... Is it really good?


May 16, 2006
Hrmmm..... Pay per month again.... Is it really good?
Depends on your style. If you are into WoW, probably not, but if you were into EQ1, probably so. It's pretty new so it's still working through bugs like all mmo's do in their early stages. It wasn't designed for the casual gamer though. I enjoy it.


honestly there isnt a game i havent been able to play with mid-high level settings with my pentiumd 820 and a 6800gt with small o/c. now in the cases of oblivion and vanguard i honestly think that they were just made poorly if a top of the line computer cant play these games at max theres something seriously wrong.

Also the person asking about playing vanguard - dont do it, you'll regret it.


May 4, 2006
Quake wars, Supreme commander, Battlefield 2,Command and conquer 3,FEAR,Need for speed underground,Company of heroes, Call Of Duty 2, Half-life 2 ............


half life 2??? im playing that on a x1600 pro agp, maxed out including 6x aa and 8x anisotropic filtering. realy, it doesnt need a 8800!


Jan 5, 2006
Most games that run poorly these days, often do so from EITHER a heavy load that isn't directly on the graphics card, or often from poor programming; I'm actually surprised, for instance, how poor Titan Quest can run.

Again, looking through all the posts, I don't think anyone here has really done more than scratch the surface on Oblivion. It's not just Oblivion at X by X resolution, but I'm talking the edits that actually make it TRULY look great; mods and .INI alterations can bring you "settings" way beyond what it'll show you in the in-game settings dialog.

On a related note, an acquaintance of mine who sports a pair of 7800GTX cards, has proudly announced that he now can get an AVERAGE of 1 frame per second while outside. And this is at 1600x1200, with 2GB of RAM, and a fair processor. (P4 640) How'd he do it? Mods and alterations.

Simply put, one of the things he did was load the game down with so many add-on replacement textures (that are two steps above the default "large") that it WAY out-flooded the VRAM available on the cards. I'm wondering that, with similar settings, that it might even be possible to run the game smoothly using a pair of X2900XTXs, even if they have 1GB of VRAM apiece.

Future games might also add to this list; Crysis does, in fact, look sweet, and it will pass vanilla Oblivion, and possibly challenge the position of modded Oblivion.

But the OP is right; none of us really NEED any of this, now do we? We don't NEED to play games. But it's darned fun, and it can look so SHINY!

However, I do suppose some of us can make do with less, though we can lust for more. For now, I live with my Radeon X800XT; performs disturbingly well in Oblivion compared to other cards, (its performance in the VGA charts ain't a fluke) so I guess I can live with it for a while longer... :p