Hello, i have a question. I have an old PC and i really want to upgrade it for simple gaming (Like Minecraft, Roblox, etc.)
There is my parts:
CPU : Intel Pentium E2180 (Overclocked to 2.5Ghz, that's the maximum, because when i overclock more, happens some issues like No Internet Connection, No Display, etc.)
GPU: Intel 82945G
RAM : 2GB 800 MHZ (DDR2)
POWER SUPPLY : 500W 80+ Bronze ( There is no brand)
SSD : 240 GB
Motherboard : P5GC-MX/1333 (Really bad)
OS : Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (Downgraded from Windows 10, because it was really laggy.)
Case : IDK
CPU Cooler
1 Fan at the back (Really powerful and loud)
There is my parts:
CPU : Intel Pentium E2180 (Overclocked to 2.5Ghz, that's the maximum, because when i overclock more, happens some issues like No Internet Connection, No Display, etc.)
GPU: Intel 82945G
RAM : 2GB 800 MHZ (DDR2)
POWER SUPPLY : 500W 80+ Bronze ( There is no brand)
SSD : 240 GB
Motherboard : P5GC-MX/1333 (Really bad)
OS : Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (Downgraded from Windows 10, because it was really laggy.)
Case : IDK
CPU Cooler
1 Fan at the back (Really powerful and loud)