Question What Smart Watch?

Oasis Curator

Apr 9, 2019
I'm not sure if I'd really use a smart watch to it's full, I can't imagine so at the moment but that's because I don't have one.
But I have said that about stuff before and now I use it all the time.

Having a Huawei P30 Pro, I'm naturally drawn to a Huawei wearable, the Band 4 seems to fit the bill.
Although I'm a bit confused as Amazon lists the Band 5 at £30, but Band 4 at £50.

I basically want something to be able to track my sleep. While I'm sure I would get used to and appreciate the other features, it's more sleep at the moment. Although I would enjoy seeing heart rate stats.

Are the statistics uploaded to Google Fit?
I primarily use Microsoft services but they don't have any health tracking things like Google Fit, so just allow it to track my steps and distance so I can look back (although the interface is stupid!).

Is there another make I should be looking at?
I would ask yourself if you want a smart watch or a regular watch.
Regular watches, there are so many cool ones. All they do is tell the time but man, if you invest in one you can sell it or pass it down in your family. Cool little jewelry option for males especially, imo.
Smart watches are cool but functionality wise and accessibility wise, when do you not have a smart phone in your pocket?
Just something to keep in mind, because if you're gonna invest ~$600 into a smart watch, you could get something pretty hefty and silvery, mechanical and flashy for that price.
I like this video:

While all those are out of most average peoples price range, you can get similar styles if you just want it as a fashion thing.
I'm saying all this because you said "I'm not sure if I'd really use a smart watch to it's full, I can't imagine so at the moment but that's because I don't have one. "
But I'm gonna assume you have a smart phone, I'd opt for a sick, reliable, water proof mechanically engineered piece of art.
No charging required!

Oasis Curator

Apr 9, 2019
Yeah but the whole point in spending a lot less than what you quoted is to track sleep. A mechanical watch won't do that.

What I'm saying is I can't see myself using it to read texts or really care about the GPS but I've had other features of something (like my TV for example) where I've said I'd never use X feature, but a few months down the line, now I'm using it.
I basically want something to be able to track my sleep. While I'm sure I would get used to and appreciate the other features, it's more sleep at the moment. Although I would enjoy seeing heart rate stats.
Do you intend to use it as everyday watch replacement?

I can tell you - rubber/silicon band in everyday use is not comfortable.
It's not like you can wear it and forget it. You'll have to take it off from time to time (more frequently than just for charging).

Get something with leather band or metal band instead. Those are much more comfortable.

I'm using Garmin Vivomove HR premium (replaced leather band with metal band). That thing is perfect for me.
Has all the possible smart features (all day HR monitoring, sleep, stress monitoring, calories, steps, floors etc), while visually looking like a regular mechanical watch.