What to upgrade?


Aug 17, 2014
I want o upgrade my PC soon but I do not know...

My current specs are:

Intel Core i3 4130
4 GB ddr3 133mhz
Gigabyte z98 HD3
nvidia GT 640

* My mobo hass some faulty RAM slots which stops me from having more RAM 🙁 (I do have a 64 bit OS)
Sorry. The PSU in my view is not worth 5gbp. In my view your old system is worth (used) 100-130gbp. That cash would greatly improve your current system if you put some other money aside.
1. Your motherboard has a 3 year warranty. If the ram slot problem is an issue, RMA the motherboard.

2. You could always replace your 4gb ram stick with a 8gb one.

3. If your usage is gaming, then a better graphics card is in order.
Run your games, but lower your resolution and eye candy.
If your FPS increases, it indicates that your cpu is strong enough to drive a better graphics configuration.
If your FPS stays the same, you are likely more cpu limited.

I'd change the GPU. The GT series are pretty outdated, and not very good for gaming.... If you want a good card for the price go for a gtx 750.

If you have the money i'd suggest you build a new pc since what you have there are pretty weak specs for a gaming pc and with all these new games coming out, you will face difficulties running them..
Good luck

Thanks :)

The PSU is 80+ bronze 500 watts and looking at estimated wattage, surley it should run the system - and i do not plan to oc.


How much would my pc sell for?

What currencey are youusing?

I'm using GBP + I brought this PSU for £40 - £50 on amazon