Question Why is download active latency so high compared to my upload

Mar 12, 2025

r/HomeNetworking - I have the xfinity 2 gig xfinity plan and I use the Coda56 with a eero pro 6. My upload latency is good but my download latency is just super poor and is crazy high compared to my upload and unloaded. I have 0 clue what it could be.I have the xfinity 2 gig xfinity plan and I use the Coda56 with a eero pro 6. My upload latency is good but my download latency is just super poor and is crazy high compared to my upload and unloaded. I have 0 clue what it could be can someone help.
Bufferbloat is a solution looking for a problem...not a actual issue for most people.

Bufferbloat only occurs when you are maxing out your internet connection. It puts data in buffers rather than discard it. This is a good thing for everything but online games.

Online games only use about 1mbps so it is not going to max out your internet and will never get bufferbloat.

If you are actually maxing out your internet using some QoS to solve it is crazy. When you have a multi gigbit internet you need to more ask what in the world are you doing to max out a connection that large. It is not like the old days when bufferbloat meant something on DSL lines where you might have 30mbps download speeds.

You really want to turn off that option. In general any form of QoS slows the data down. When you have a very fast internet you are never gong to get data queues so everything is transmitted immediately.