Question What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Sep 3, 2019
I'm an avid gamer, but I've been trying to think of the first games I remember playing and really loved. I remember sneaking into my cousins dad's study to boot up his mac to play Monkey Island, where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And Myst (which I wasn't very good at). If you're a gamer, what do you remember playing and why?

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Wizardy: Knight of Diamonds on a Apple iie - why, um it was 1st rpg i had ever played with pseudo 3d graphics. We had fun mapping its levels.

game I loved last was Journey, hence my avatar :)

Journey is beautiful! So peaceful.
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Maybe oregon trail on Apple II? First FPS was Rise of the Triad on dos in like 94... my god was that an amazing experience. Not long after that I started playing my first MMORPG which was Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds, which was one of the first ever MMORPG's ever created, originally a Korean game it was developed and released in the US around 95 maybe? The game is still going today it's amazing, huge roleplaying and community aspect with clans/paths/guilds/etc. Myst was another amazing game I played around that time (mid 90's)
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1st game - Some version of Asteroids (1979) on IBM XT.

1st game that i really loved - Well, things get fuzzy here, but: Alley Cat (1983), Digger (1983) and Supaplex (1991) are the first three that come into my mind.

Though, there are also a plethora of CGA/ EVGA/ VGA/ SVGA games that i've played and to list them all here takes a lot of time, research and effort.
Maybe oregon trail on Apple II? First FPS was Rise of the Triad on dos in like 94... my god was that an amazing experience. Not long after that I started playing my first MMORPG which was Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds, which was one of the first ever MMORPG's ever created, originally a Korean game it was developed and released in the US around 95 maybe? The game is still going today it's amazing, huge roleplaying and community aspect with clans/paths/guilds/etc. Myst was another amazing game I played around that time (mid 90's)

Do you reckon your character is still in TKW? Like, if you logged in again? 😯
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1st game - Some version of Asteroids (1979) on IBM XT.

1st game that i really loved - Well, things get fuzzy here, but: Alley Cat (1983), Digger (1983) and Supaplex (1991) are the first three that come into my mind.

Though, there are also a plethora of CGA/ EVGA/ VGA/ SVGA games that i've played and to list them all here takes a lot of time, research and effort.

Just looked up Alleycat and it looks so familiar to me (cat pun lol), it says on the wiki it also came out on IBMPC but we had a BBC, so I'm wondering why it's ringing bells...
Journey is beautiful! So peaceful.

I played it to within an inch of its death, and yet its only 90 minutes long. Its special in how it does its multi player. You never know who you will meet in there. Trying to ignore fact its on PC now as I don't want to play it too much.

We didn't have an apple iie, it was a friends. Game I really loved was Super Metroid, played it every day for a year, now i see people finish entire game in 2 hours or less. But I had fun :)
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LOL, I bought Monkey Island on Xbox platform, both games. they are still really fun to play and look fantastic now, and you can opt to play it in original video form! still a great game

I loved the response from Guybrush as the end of the first game I think, my son and I were playing it years ago and he had a piece of advice.... he said, "Never spend more than twenty dollars on a video game", and I died laughing because it's so true, unless it's a Rockstar game, that is the price I buy games at. $60 is ridiculous to me.
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LOL, I bought Monkey Island on Xbox platform, both games. they are still really fun to play and look fantastic now, and you can opt to play it in original video form! still a great game

I always get in trouble for insult fencing IRL, it's so fun when you meet someone at a convention who knows what you're doing and plays along... 🤣
I always get in trouble for insult fencing IRL, it's so fun when you meet someone at a convention who knows what you're doing and plays along... 🤣
IRL? LOL-- that was the hardest part of the game for me! lol
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Maybe oregon trail on Apple II? First FPS was Rise of the Triad on dos in like 94... my god was that an amazing experience. Not long after that I started playing my first MMORPG which was Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds, which was one of the first ever MMORPG's ever created, originally a Korean game it was developed and released in the US around 95 maybe? The game is still going today it's amazing, huge roleplaying and community aspect with clans/paths/guilds/etc. Myst was another amazing game I played around that time (mid 90's)
I remember playing Oregon Trail on a Macintosh Classic, along with some game with a helicopter where you tried to drop people onto a hay cart. My first PC games.
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First? Probably a newfangled game called Pac Man. Not long after that Pong and not long after that an Atari 2600. I think Combat was what the 2600 came with.

First on a computer that I remember was Silent Service on a friend's Commodore 128. Then Starflight on another friend's Tandy.

Still an avid gamer all these years later. :)
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First computer game would have been Oregon Trail on a Teletype.
First video game would have been Pong.
First video game I loved would have been Asteroids (stand up arcade).
First PC game I loved would have been Lemmings on my old Amiga 500.

-Wolf sends
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First was Pong.
Then The Oregon Trail.
Then Arcade games (Asteroids, Pac-Man, etc.) and then we got an Atari 2600 and every kid in the neighborhood wanted come over every chance they got to play Asteroids, Missile Command, Donkey King, Pac-Man, Frogger, etc., etc.
We had a room in our basement with a TV, couch and chairs just for playing the 2600.
First arcade machine I ever played was Defender (I can still hear it)
First Computer game I owned is impossible to know as we used to collect them in college, and I would have had a game for a computer I didn't own long before i owned one for a computer I did own.
First computer game for a computer we owned was Asteroids as it was on a cartridge that came with our Tandy Color
First PC game I bought was Sim City 2000, 1 day after getting my PC.
Last PC game I loved was Sacred 2... i could still play it but it looks bad at 4k

I watch games more than play them now, its cheaper. I also don't like what games have become, I prefer to buy game once and not pay anymore... that is not how it seems to work anymore.

this thread wins my cover of the week award that I just made up :)
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First arcade machine I ever played was Defender (I can still hear it)

I watch games more than play them now, its cheaper. I also don't like what games have become, I prefer to buy game once and not pay anymore... that is not how it seems to work anymore.

this thread wins my cover of the week award that I just made up :)
I LOVED Defender when it came out, my friends and I spent countless hours (and $) playing.

And I agree,
I only play single player games because I hate the fact that you have to spend more and more money if you want to be even remotely competitive in online games these days.

LOL @ the made up Award.
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