I am based in India, and one of the most common A/V companies here is called Ahuja. They make a lot of speakers and amplifiers and so forth. However, being India, sometimes things can be confusing.
Most amps have simply an output, for high or low impedance. If an amp is rated at 100w @ 8 ohms then you can do the math to figure out the wattage at other impedance levels, generally accepting that unless specified an amp can live happily in the 4 ohm - 16 ohm range. This all makes sense and a little math later, everyone is happy. But India doesn't always allow things to make sense.
I am looking at the SSA-100M amplifier (http://www.ahujaradios.com/ProductSpecification.asp?prd_id=61&id=2&sc_id=6) . It is listed as a 100W amplifier. But if you were to look at the back of the amp, there are separate output terminals for 4ohm, 8ohm and 16ohm low-impedance speakers as well as 70v and 100v high impedance speakers.
So, the question is, what is that 100w rated at?Is it 100w @ 8 ohms? If so, then it would be ~200w @4 ohms and 50 watts @ 16 ohms.... But if that is the case, why separate terminals? And how do the high-impedance terminals come into play?
The literature is no help, and emails to support as of yet unanswered. The literature simple says not to exceed 100w on the high-impedance lines, and not to use high and low impedance terminals at the same time. The literature also suggests always under-loading the speakers, so even if maxed out the amplifier cannot damage the speakers.
So this is what I am thinking... each of those terminal strips gives 100w of power *to the impedance listed on that terminal*. That means the 4 ohm terminal gives 100w @ 4ohm, the 8 ohm terminal gives 100w @ 8 ohm, and the 16 ohm gives 100w @ 16 ohm. However, the amplifier cannot regulate the impedance, it simply sends out power. If this is true, it means that if I connect a 4 ohm load to the 16 ohm terminal I can actually get ~400w of power. On the other end of the spectrum, if I connect a 16 ohm load to the 4 ohm terminal I am only getting 25w.
Does this make sense to anyone else? What else could this configuration possibly mean?
The thing that really leads me to believe this is that in the literature they show a diagram for connecting four 20w speakers in a parallel/series array that ends up being a 80w, 16 ohm load,and they say NOT to connect to the 16 ohm terminal because the amp's power is greater than the speakers' needs, and instead to connect to the 8 ohm terminal to under-load the speakers. This would only work if my hypothesis is correct, that every terminal delivers 100w of juice to its advertised impedance, and you can do the math and determine that the 8 ohm terminal provides 50w of power to a 16 ohm load.
The biggest factor working against this hypothesis is that you would think they would then advertise this as a 400w speaker, since it can technically output 400w at 4 ohm.... So why advertise as 100w?
Most amps have simply an output, for high or low impedance. If an amp is rated at 100w @ 8 ohms then you can do the math to figure out the wattage at other impedance levels, generally accepting that unless specified an amp can live happily in the 4 ohm - 16 ohm range. This all makes sense and a little math later, everyone is happy. But India doesn't always allow things to make sense.
I am looking at the SSA-100M amplifier (http://www.ahujaradios.com/ProductSpecification.asp?prd_id=61&id=2&sc_id=6) . It is listed as a 100W amplifier. But if you were to look at the back of the amp, there are separate output terminals for 4ohm, 8ohm and 16ohm low-impedance speakers as well as 70v and 100v high impedance speakers.
So, the question is, what is that 100w rated at?Is it 100w @ 8 ohms? If so, then it would be ~200w @4 ohms and 50 watts @ 16 ohms.... But if that is the case, why separate terminals? And how do the high-impedance terminals come into play?
The literature is no help, and emails to support as of yet unanswered. The literature simple says not to exceed 100w on the high-impedance lines, and not to use high and low impedance terminals at the same time. The literature also suggests always under-loading the speakers, so even if maxed out the amplifier cannot damage the speakers.
So this is what I am thinking... each of those terminal strips gives 100w of power *to the impedance listed on that terminal*. That means the 4 ohm terminal gives 100w @ 4ohm, the 8 ohm terminal gives 100w @ 8 ohm, and the 16 ohm gives 100w @ 16 ohm. However, the amplifier cannot regulate the impedance, it simply sends out power. If this is true, it means that if I connect a 4 ohm load to the 16 ohm terminal I can actually get ~400w of power. On the other end of the spectrum, if I connect a 16 ohm load to the 4 ohm terminal I am only getting 25w.
Does this make sense to anyone else? What else could this configuration possibly mean?
The thing that really leads me to believe this is that in the literature they show a diagram for connecting four 20w speakers in a parallel/series array that ends up being a 80w, 16 ohm load,and they say NOT to connect to the 16 ohm terminal because the amp's power is greater than the speakers' needs, and instead to connect to the 8 ohm terminal to under-load the speakers. This would only work if my hypothesis is correct, that every terminal delivers 100w of juice to its advertised impedance, and you can do the math and determine that the 8 ohm terminal provides 50w of power to a 16 ohm load.
The biggest factor working against this hypothesis is that you would think they would then advertise this as a 400w speaker, since it can technically output 400w at 4 ohm.... So why advertise as 100w?