Intel God :
I thought i read the HD 9950 will go toe to toe with the 770 and be 399.99
The pricing sounds about right...but I expect it will shakedown like this given the numbers expected of AMD's Curacao XT core:
HD 9970 > GTX 780 > HD 9950 > HD 9870 > GTX 770 > HD 9850 > GTX 760
Honestly the card that should end up going toe to toe with the 770 will likely be a HD 9870 GHz/OC Edition (For $299.99-349.99). Considering it will be a staggering 43% improvement over the HD 7870 (Not GHz or XT)...
I will have to track down the article where I read the specs and post the link...I want to say it was either bright side of news or tech report that posted the information.