What wireless card?


Mar 25, 2011
Is a Intel® Centrino® Wireless-N 1000 good enough for gaming and 1080p video streaming?

I think I read some stuff about ping be higher over wifi as well, but none actually tell me by how much?

If I want to game over wifi should I upgrade cards?
I play WoW, CoD:MW3, BF3 stuff like that

Can I watch 1080p videos on youtube?

Internet offered at the college I want to go to goes to ~80mbps, but the card has potiential up to 150-300 mbps so it won't be a problem right? unless that is talking about something else?
Better cards say they can handle higher transfer speeds, but other than that do I get any other benefits?
Lower Ping?
Range? <-- Is this determined by # of antennas?


Any good quality 80211 N card is what you want. The 80211 N cards will stream the signals way better than the others.