What would you upgrade for oculus rift?

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Aug 10, 2010
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600
Graphics: Asus Radeon R9 390X 8GB
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x 8GB)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H110M-A

I am not an endless pile of money but want to upgrade my son's computer so that he can play Lone Echo. I know that there are much better systems for VR but I want to know what upgrades would give him the best improvements without spending a fortune.
Steam has a VR test (https://store.steampowered.com/app/323910/SteamVR_Performance_Test/) which will elevate the system. Not sure how accurate it it but it's a good starting point. I think the main concern would by the graphics card in your sons system, not that its a bad card but its older and not really designed with VR in mind.
+1 with the VR test, that card seems to be built without VR in mind. I would try the oculus with the current build and if it under performs, upgrade the video card to something like a GTX 1060 6gb. They can be purchased fairly cheap used off ebay in the $175 range.
Have you tried it already and had issues? I think that setup should run it.

I played Lone Echo on a 3570k @4.3ghz so that cpu should be fine. Right amount of ram. Might look at going with a gtx 1070 or 1070 ti if money permits.
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