Whats a good MMORPG to play?

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EVE online is one of the "F2P" games that you have to pay to do well. Similar to SWTOR.

I highly dislike WoW, for so many reasons it's not even funny. Guild Wars 2 is cool, and has a lot of stuff put together in neat ways, but has a lot of frustrating aspects to it as well - I didn't find it worth the $60. (iNathanLite, it's cool, but it's not a new things for MMO's.)

So far, the only MMO that's kept me enthralled is Dungeons and Dragons Online. It's not what it used to be, since they changed the learning curve WAY down to be new-player friendly, but it's still a fun game that you can get through without paying a cent.
EVE Online is "free," in that - you can buy subscription time with game currency. But I don't hold CCP in high regard as developers. Still, the game is about ten years old now and still has a strong, if small, community and keeps the game looking pretty nice with regular monolithic content patches. There's no implicit grinding and the large-scale pvp (500v500+) isn't really matched anywhere else in the gaming universe.

Caveats: It's very open-ended and harsh on newbs. Be sure to read up. Scamming (of in-game items/currency) is considered a legitimate form of gameplay as are a lot of things traditional mmo devs would consider "griefing."

I could go on a while about what makes the game worth playing, but best you just google it and see what it's all about. Certainly not a game for everyone, but if you like it you'll probably loose interest in anything else in the genre.
I have played a lot of MMORPG's (and I mean a lot) and the only ones I have ever enjoyed are Runescape, World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2. All these have a variety of cool things to do with other players.

If I had to choose one though, it would be World of Warcraft. Since its new expansion Mists of Pandaria, it has became a lot more fun (especially from cataclysm). I like this game due to the mount of things that you can do, you won't run out and it keeps you busy. Although this can also be classed as a con because of the subscription lol.

If you want one that has no subscription then yeah go for Guild Wars 2. This game is amazing due to how dynamic it is. You will go out, wandering and something can happen at anytime randomly such as centaurs attacking a village and you have to defend it or an event will rally up players together too attack an enemy camp. It is a new thing for MMO's and I think guild wars 2 does it perfectly.
Star Wars: The Old Republic went free to play last week. I gave it a shot, and if you are wanting a good story, this could be it. The F2P model limits players in several key aspects. As far as the story goes, it's a pretty solid game. If you like Star Wars, that is.
EVE online is one of the "F2P" games that you have to pay to do well. Similar to SWTOR.

I highly dislike WoW, for so many reasons it's not even funny. Guild Wars 2 is cool, and has a lot of stuff put together in neat ways, but has a lot of frustrating aspects to it as well - I didn't find it worth the $60. (iNathanLite, it's cool, but it's not a new things for MMO's.)

So far, the only MMO that's kept me enthralled is Dungeons and Dragons Online. It's not what it used to be, since they changed the learning curve WAY down to be new-player friendly, but it's still a fun game that you can get through without paying a cent.
You could give AION a go, it started out with a subscription but someone bought the rights to the game and made it free-to-play. It's a bit similar to WoW in many ways but more of a Final Fantasy look? I guess? Anyway, i enjoyed it
You should try playing soulsplit, and this is why:
1. What is Soulsplit and what do we strive for.

Our community
Soulsplit has a very nice and friendly community that is always there to help you out. We strive for direct player reflecion, this means that players are the ones that help each other out. This creates the best gaming situation possible.

First I'd like to start off with telling you about how our management works, we strive for the bestgameplay for everyone - we care about what people say and we listen to them. Only because of this Soulsplit is so huge. You are what makes us big, without players we would be close to nowhere. Players are your friends, you just need to know how to handle them. Due to this big support of our players we have fully fixed up our wilderness, we gave them a great platform for clans to build off to improve clan community, we have a great system that does not allow Pjing or ragging in certain zones because - let's be honest, it pisses people off. But at the same time it improves the single clans to be more active. We are thinking of solutions, 24/7. That is what makes us #1 - We are ALWAYS ahead of the rest.

Soulsplit fits YOU.
Soulsplit was designed to entertain every type of player. We have different game modes where you can choose how you'd like to play. Are you an oldschool lover? This is your lucky day! The oldschool game mode will perfectly entertain you, if you are more of a newschool player you can select the newer graphical game mode . You can also choose XP modes that vary from 5,000 XP per hit to 10 XP per hit. So if you either are a person who likes challanging gameplay or someone who just likes to enter our highly populated wilderness straight after logging in Soulsplit is the place for you.

Ideal (What we strive for)
Our ideal is maximum entertainment. We are not in this business for the money, we are in this to give YOU the best entertainment. Your enjoyment of the game is what we strive for. You do not have to pay for anything because that simply goes against our ideal. Everything is free to enjoy! You have the option to purchase items, but you don't have to pay to wear specific items or to get privileges on other players!

That is how it's supposed to be, and that is how we do it.

Market leader
Soulsplit is not only the market leader reaching up to 3000 players on peak time, we are also the highest quality RSPS out there. Our support is not only professional but they strive for the best of every player. Without our amazing staff we would be nowhere. Our website was professionally designed to give you maximum support, it contains account recoveies, ban/mute appeals, live chat and more! You can visit our website at: Click here

Soulsplit Videos
In our eyes a video explains more then a thousand pictures or words. You can find our video page on our website.

We really hope see you soon - and remember, everyone is welcome!

Hi guys, if you would like, check out our free Ultima Online shard. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, please delete it if neccessary!

Website: www.uofreedom.com
Forums: www.uofreedom.com/community
Wiki: www.uofreedom.com/wiki

Shard IP/Port: logon.uofreedom.com,2593 (Connect with Razor!)

- Huge playerbase for such an old game, but we would love to double it soon.
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Again, my apologies if this is in the wrong place.
you can always try DragonSaga :)
if you liked old school beat-em-up arcade games (like double dragon, golden axe, final fight, etc...)

or in case you prefer your fantasy to fancy graphics, you can always try some MUD /all you need to play one is a telnet terminal/ XD
If its a GOOD MMORPG your looking for then Rift from Trion Worlds is for you.

It is FREE TO PLAY until level 20 using Rift light, more than enough time to get the hang of the game and see if it is for you.

Yes it has a monthly cost but is 10-15 a month really so much to ask for a month of entertainment?
Think about it. You can buy a game for a weeks worth of fun or pay for rift for twice the fun.

Rift uses an amazing class system that lets you Literally make your OWN class.
Choose one of four base classes and then mix and match "souls" to determine your abilities and role.

Warcraft may have dual classing but Rift has QUAD classing.

Your not in Azeroth anymore folks, this is Rift and it is an experience that you can try now with Rift light.

Don't miss out click the link below to find out how much has been missing in your lives.


Damn ... I may have to try it out. I'm in a gaming slump right now, just deactivated WoW, the game is still the same old crap.... it is addicting though. I never got into Rift but never really gave it a shot. Also I agree with your point, if you love playing it $15 a month for how much entertainment value is a STEAL. My wife even agrees when I subbed to WoW.

You owe it to yourself to try WoW, Rift, PS2, GW2 and EVE.
Ultima Online was THE best mmo ever concieved. I hate that the dam game was bascically sworn off when WoW came out. Its too bad there was never an updated version for modern video performance. Id bet a million if they revamped the graphics somewhat and re-released it they have a good competitor in todays market. Honestly name a game that has: Random Loot with random stats on items, treasure maps, boats, houses/castles, mounts, taming, stealing , use based skills (not level based), use based stats, probably the most enjoyable mage class, and tons more. And its all wasted...............
Meridian 59 was before Ultima Online. People always give credit to the wrong game for being the first MMORPG. I did like Ultima online mind you, but it wasn't for everyone and it was isometric, instead of 1st person or over the shoulder. I played it for about 9 months, and it was fun.
If you are a fellow elder scrolls fan, you can sign up for the Elder Scrolls Online beta, it's going on right now. I can't say if you will get a beta key or not though.
Hey the'se are some popular Free to play MMORPG that look quite good :)

,DC Universe Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, The Lord of the Rings Online, Runes of Magic, Allods Online, Runescape,
Planet calypso, Everquest,

Or you could buy a game such as Guild wars 2, that has no subscription fees and is one of the best (Free) mmorpgs out there at the moment in my opinion. But if you are going to spend money on an MMORPG I highly suggest World Of Warcraft there is a free trial for that where you can get up to level 20.
Not all the best mmorpg's cost money. And a best mmorpg comes down to each individual. i personally dislike wow. And i do not like it. So to me it is not the best mmorpg. While some one else may love it and that is the best mmorpg to them.

As for elder scrolls online being mediocre? Have you ever even played any of the elder scrolls rpg's? Have you seen the trailers? I have and The elder scrolls online looks to be a unique fun graphically driven mmorpg. If they do half as good a job on the online play as they have single player the game will be an awesome addition to the growing mmorpg's out there. And from what i've seen from bethsuda studios they always raise the bar with each elder scrolls game.

Now phantasy star online 2 is also set to release this year. That game has no set class you can switch your class and weapons at any time with no penalties. They have at least 6 classes so far with more to be added soon. And it is set to be a full free to play model. And i have played the Japanese servers and this game is addictive fun and has random encounters and quests to keep the game play fresh and fun. If that game ever releases here in the US fully translated it will be a must play mmorpg.

The Elder Scrolls died with Daggerfall. Morrowind was good enough, Oblivion was acceptable, Skyrim became boring pretty soon. Doubt ESO will be any different, but I'll play it nevertheless...

That would be your opinion though. Some never paid attention to The elder scrolls series until morrowind. And some see oblivion as better then morrowind and skyrim as the best so far. But6 that would come down to personal opinion although the reviews and the purchases of these games show that they have a decent following.

I do find your opinion suspect though since you claimed that the elder scrolls online is a mediocre game having not played it yet means your opinion is not an informed one. To have an informed opinion you have to at least played the game (and elder scrolls online is only in closed beta atm). So i question your opinion on morrowind oblivion and skyrim as well as i get the feeling you did not really play them.

As far as everquest goes? i would not bother. The f2p is extremely limited. Add to that the games age and them still wanting to charge you an arm and a leg for expansions? Sorry i do not like companies that want to charge you for a game then charge you for a monthly fee then also charge you to buy expansions. It be like charging you to enter the bathroom then charging you to enter the stall then to also leave the bathroom. I tend to try to avoid companies like that. And everquest 2 is the same way.
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