What's behind all these school shootings?

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When I was younger going through school and we had arguments with others, we had the same problems with bullying and such as that, we avoided those popular for bullying as much as possible, and occasionally got our butts kicked when they caught up to us.

We had many fights on the school bus and after school and such as that, but we never even considered taking a gun or knife to school, even though they were available to most all of us!

What is going on today people?

What creates a mental attitude that a young person decides to self destruct and take others with them in the process?

Has technology of today affected the minds of individuals to the point of no return, through long term violent gaming?

Or is it drugs?

Peer pressure?

Or a combination of it all?


Cultural difference aside, gropouce, mental illness is not behaviors some people fail understand...
religion can be a major factor here and isues that ocure in teens while they are growing up.
technology sometmes to teens is a escape.being stuck in a virtual world of lol and wow.
"call of duty rocks lol"
usualy with people with a lack of self contious and low profile.
and lack of responsibility.
now to blow your self up man that needs ******.
usualy hapens to people that hate living and have lost everything.might not be money or a family member but his relationship with a girl.
To much freedom young people have and no respect at all. Anything goes today and I blame this on the dam internet and the social sites like Facebook, Twitter and the other crap young people watch.Peer pressure bullshit I grew up with peer pressure and I never killed anyone or had demented idea like the young people have today.We are in a sick society now and something has to done to fix it before it is to late.
Education, i guess.
When i was i child, if i didn't show a minimum of respect for others, i was a$$-kicked until death.

yesterday, at work, a 12y.o guys tell me to do something to my mother because he had to wait too much time before i examine him. (he said he has a broken arm and actually had nothing like this, but nevermind.)

I just hope it is "bad times" and "things will get better", but...
I cannot give an answer. I don't own a weapon of any sort, I have no real enemies,( just people whom generally have pissed me off,) and I have not pre-meditated any crimes.

The last guy who got on my nerves, got the cold shoulder, and a kid on a flight to Seattle.

I just walk away.

Coudn't tell you, since many here are gun owners; they may have some more insight. Could be the easy access for younger Americans to utilize as a leveraging tool against their anger at the world. I blame the parents for not buying safes and/or safeguarding guns from ill-gotten people, like their hormonal teens. Another reason: parents are not willing to educate young Willy on the proper safety of gun use, and the appropriate times to use it.


gropouce in that instance you must immediately administer a short 2 second 200volt dose at 10mA to the temples with the small paddles provided in the cart.

Don't use the conductive cream or worry about the mouth guard ...

That should solve the statements from patients about your mother.

We all know she is a wonderful woman because she didn't throw you in the river in that sack.
Make no mistake, the majority of the individuals who has committed a mass shooting has been mentally ill.

Yes! Mentally ill! The majority of them! Look it up, research it!

But if your lazy, read it from one of the most anti-gun leftist publications available...Mother Jones!
More than half of the cases involved school or workplace shootings (12 and 20, respectively); the other 30 cases took place in locations including shopping malls, restaurants, and religious and government buildings. Forty four of the killers were white males. Only one of them was a woman. (See Goleta, Calif., in 2006.) The average age of the killers was 35, though the youngest among them was a mere 11 years old. (See Jonesboro, Ark., in 1998.) A majority were mentally troubled—and many displayed signs of it before setting out to kill.

Not guns. Not technology. Not the wrong law. Not gun show loopholes. Not drugs, but maybe the lack of proper medications. Not pressure. None of those! A skewed perception of reality is the culprit; mental health.

Also, research what the ACA has done to address and/or mitigate the issue of mental health. Don't be surprised when you learn the answer is effectively nothing!

I can't agree with that.
Too many people screams at "mentally illness" when they are confronted to a behavior they can't understand.
The same happens with children who, lack of parental authority, are diagnosing a hyperactivity and concentration impaired while a good slap in the mouth would solve many problems.

Today, the child is the king in too many houses, and that's THE problem.
How many parents wants they children to pass IQ tests and other stuff like this?? they all want their babies to be special and the kid grows with this idea in mind. No surprise if this little piece of shit blows up the day when someone tells him "no".
We are living in a sick society where there is to much liberalism and not enough respect and honor of others.Hopefully one day it will get better.

Cultural difference aside, gropouce, mental illness is not behaviors some people fail understand. When someone admits that the voices in their head tells them to hurt or kill themselves; or worse, hurt and kill other people, it's not a case of understanding their behavior. Hurting yourself goes against basic human instinct. Having mental illness in the family, it is a definite chemical unbalance and only counseling and proper pharmaceuticals can ease the symptoms.

I totally agree that most children could use a good smack in the mouth! And, I also totally agree that some parents today let their kids run all over them. I see it at every Cub Scout meeting. The two things children need the most is structure and discipline!

I don't believe in medicating these kind of things.

I was depressed for most of my teen years and the meds they put you on just make you dangerously apathetic.

Then at some point I managed to stop taking said meds, cultivate my willpower and never really contemplated suicide after that.

Actually, you're wrong (on my own and only point of view), especially with the human instinct stuff.

Actually, i've already work in prison. I've seen many guys who talked about seeing people that no-one else could see; or hearing voices...
Defining someone as having a mental illness is not something so easy to do. Believe me.
That's why i always walk carefully when i'm talking about mental illness. And i can't believe that "the majority of the individuals who has committed a mass shooting has been mentally ill.", especially if they talked about hearing voices.

PS; I admit, i did not understand the last sentence of this quote... so i may have misunderstood, sorry if it's the case.
But we both know that a slap could resolve many discipline problems, so, i'm not worried. 😀

Sure gropouce ... a good slapping ... I was never much for that though ... i felt guilty beating my kids.

If i recall, about the only time I smacked my kids usually related to them being in imminent danger ... going to cross the road without looking, trying to stick a knife into a power point, putting the hand up too close to the stove ... that sort of thing.

What I do agree to, and i think this might be the point your making, is that firm and constistem parenting (positive reinforcement for good behaviour) and extinction, and negative reinforcement, with a dab of aversive conditioning for poor behaviour produces results.

Morover, I have a good relationship with my wife, so the kids see how to behave toward women appropriately.

Kids go off the rails when you provide a poor family environment.

I know this for a fact because over the past couple of days I have had 3 extra kids staying here, and two parties ... why? Well the kids like to be at my place, because our environment is a happy one.

Not sayign things are perfect, but none of my four boys have ever been in trouble with the law ... the only cops who visit are friends of ours.

I may be the king in the house but the wife is the queen ... the boys probably fear her wrath more than mine.

Guns are not the problem, it's the one behind the gun, that's the problem, just like cars are not the problem, until someone gets behind the wheel of one drunk and kills someone!

There are many, many, items that can be used as weapons that cause far more damage than a gun ever could.

What's behind the mentality that chooses to turn these items against other people, that's the problem!


Have you ever wondered when the label changes from someone classed as insane to a terrorist?

Someone goes off in a school kills ten and is classed as insane even if the action was plotted and planned, someone hijacks planes and flies them into the World Trade Center and they are terrorists, what's the difference?

It may be a much larger scale but the same end mentality, someone sacrificing themselves hurting others in the process, what brings someone to that state of mind.

It was an honorable death for the Japanese Kamikaze pilot, and honor to country for what they did and they made a conscience decision to carry out their goal, those on the receiving end were shocked at how far they would go to accomplish their goals.

Pawns on a chess set, however much greater sacrifices were planned on the same chess board, by Naval strategy using destroyers to screen air craft carriers, one man lost in a Kamikaze run, 300 men lost sacrificing a destroyer to save an aircraft carrier.

As shocking as it came across, a suicide mission was not first entertained by the Japanese, but was the most successful campaign, so when does the mental attitude behind all these school shootings be classed as more than just some insane individual, isn't it also an act of terrorism.

Are these individuals being programmed by what's acceptable in society today?

The drugs, violent video games glorifying crime, TV shows daily getting more promiscuous, crime becoming the norm and has to be extreme to even get noticed or otherwise is just daily news?

Society creates it's own Frankensteins!


We'll have to agree to disagree about the human instinct stuff. I'm a believer in the power that self preservation has over the human psyche.

What I mean by mental illness is not personality quirks or those unique character traits that make us individuals. When I say the majority of the people behind the recent mass shootings (Lanza, Alexis, Loughner, Holmes, Seung Hui Cho) were all mentally ill, I mean that quite literally; they were professionally diagnosed as being mentally ill. All of them were either under psychiatric care prior to the shooting, or professionally diagnosed with depression, schizophrenia, or sever anxiety disorders. The fact is some people are simply mentally unbalanced. Their perception of reality is skewed and irrational.



When you consider the literal definition of terrorism, (the systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal, especially for political purposes), you could make an argument that the mass shootings are a form of terrorism. But the primary difference between a mentally ill person who shoots up a school or mall and the kamikaze pilot or the 9/11 hijackers is their motivation.

I agree that it is the same end mentality, I would consider the kamikaze pilot or 9/11 hijackers as mentally ill. However, I would foremost consider them as terrorists because their motivations were political.

Now, guys like Loughner, Holmes, and Cho were not primarily driven by political ideals. They were just mentally ill.

So, IMO the difference between a mass shooter and a terrorist is "why" they are committing the act. But, as you've implied, when trying to determine personal motivations or when politics enter the conversation the lines between who is a terrorist and who is mentally ill becomes indistinguishable depending on who is driving the conversation.
Maybe I missed something but to me the shooter had met his entire goal when he shot the girl, it must have been some tainted love thing going on because he shot and killed himself after he knew she was pretty much dead?

Apparently he wasn't concerned with killing other people just her?

Maybe when he saw what he had actually done to her, the stark reality of his actions hit him and he wasn't prepared for the reality, because he did not even shoot the person sitting with her?

Surely with the weapon he chose chambering a second round the person sitting next to her would not have had the time to get away, so IMO, she was his goal?

There's really more questions than answers, as he knew she was going to die from the damage he had done?

So now his anger, thoughts, and plans now slapped him in the face with raw reality!

He wasn't taken down by any heroic acts, he killed himself, the rest is irrelevant?

Why he was totally directly after her would help the reasoning?


So what's your 80 second reasoning?
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