What's behind all these school shootings?

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When I was younger going through school and we had arguments with others, we had the same problems with bullying and such as that, we avoided those popular for bullying as much as possible, and occasionally got our butts kicked when they caught up to us.

We had many fights on the school bus and after school and such as that, but we never even considered taking a gun or knife to school, even though they were available to most all of us!

What is going on today people?

What creates a mental attitude that a young person decides to self destruct and take others with them in the process?

Has technology of today affected the minds of individuals to the point of no return, through long term violent gaming?

Or is it drugs?

Peer pressure?

Or a combination of it all?


Cultural difference aside, gropouce, mental illness is not behaviors some people fail understand...
Unfortunately we are living in a sick society today as the word respect is no longer honored any longer.To much internet and not enough pure communication among humans today.To much liberation also.Really sad indeed among the young people today.


That's so true Marv. :pfff:


What's wrong with me?

Not enough communication ???
Related to what ? related to the time when they were no smarphones ?

I don't agree with that. on the contrary, i believe there is too much communication, today, and it may be part of the problem,
Remember those times :


I took his meaning as the lack of face to face human interaction!

Your picture is a good example of it's early days of growth, no one is talking to each other!

The coldest times I ever encountered was riding the subway in Washington DC, not because of the temperature, because of the people!

We talk to each other where I live down south in the USA, and it was a completely different experience up in Washington DC!

People up there don't know who to trust, so they don't talk to anyone!

They all have this concrete stare of fear!

Thanks OMG_73 for posting these...

Yeah, this shooting barely made a blip on any major news outlet. From what little reports there were, the fact that there was an armed guard at the school was key in the shooter committing suicide.
According to Sheriff Grayson Robinson, Pierson (the shooter, op edit) realized this, which was a “critical element to the shooter’s decision” to commit suicide. Robinson later said of the armed deputy's actions: "We believe that that action was absolutely critical to the fact that we didn’t have more deaths and injuries."
But, please don't dare say that the notion of the bad guy getting shot by a good guy with a gun is any kind of deterrent.

The comment about a shotgun being more devastating than a media popularized "assault weapon" or semi-auto handgun is loud and clear. I mean, #00 shot is in terms of muzzle energy, for all intents and purposes, is the equivalent of nine 9mm rounds fired simultaneously!

And, the idea that the shooter was left leaning and mentally unstable is something that will never be highlighted by the anti-gun crowd. But I am quite sure they will parade the poor little girl's family in front of the camera to promote more legislation in a State where pro-gun businesses and supporters already rejected previous gun laws.
No one knows the mental state of the perpetrator or whether he had any fear at all regarding an armed security guards presence, surely he knew of the guards site presence, was that not the guards daily job.

I personally think, and it's my own opinion, that the perp was not ready for the reality of looking at what he had done to the girl.

There's a big difference between thinking and actually doing and looking at the aftermath of his actions.

I don't think he was a dedicated killer, because if he was the blood would have spurned him on, I don't think he could deal with the reality of his actions of the moment, and that's why he killed himself.

My Opinion, OK.

What the media assumes is irrelevant, they'll always paint the picture the way they want it portrayed anyway.

That is not what I get out of it.

I see a failure of our mental health system. I see a faulure of our culture to educate people the proper use of a weapon.

These things are a threat to our national security. Not terrorists.

Oh the irony dogman! Typically the anti-gun crowd are also the same people who advocate public education when it is exactly a proper education of firearms that would help prevent these tragedies.

Hopefully they will. We are existing in a sick world today.

More or less...

Just look at the national news, what do i learn:
- one guy is in prison because he found "funny" to film himself throwing a kitten against a wall.
- three teenagers are in trouble for assaulting a mentally handicapped person. Again, they filmed it... we can hear them laugh to death while they are throwing this poor guy in the river.

I could kill, sometimes, i swear.
When i worked in jail, i met some people who were guilty of terrible things, but who knew what respect is...

When I've mentioned the gangs around our area some are just local neighborhood grouping really doing silly stupid stuff like shooting out street lights, playing pranks on non gang members, but not really seriously hurting others.

Then the hardcore gangs are those that require committing a criminal act as gang membership, those gangs are the high crime element usually doing serious harm for no more gain than recognition.

However almost zero of them are involved in school shootings as most all have additionally dropped out of school and have nothing to do with it.

Even though the gang element can be some of the most senseless criminal acts, sometimes the school environment can push individuals to a state of desperation to do the unthinkable.

Bullying seems to be a major problem in schools apparently much worse than when I was in school, maybe kids today just cannot run as fast as we could? :lol:

Individual bullying is one thing group bullying is another story and we seem to be seeing more and more of that type bullying going on these days?

Group bullying in school is the base for gang growth later, when the bullying leads to expulsion from school!

Which is great for the victims but bad for the bullying mentality that doesn't just stop with expulsion?

In a lot of cases the only thing that stops individual bullying is when the victim has finally had enough and snaps and stomps the bullys A$$.

Usually group bullying has a leader and it's usually the so called baddest member of the group and in a fight confrontation he or she is the first one to eliminate and once the bad one is down, you usually don't have to fight the rest.

I think what may be missing in this day and time is the raw physicality we had growing up, we did not have computers, X Boxes, Play Stations, Smart Phones, Tablets, etc., we went outside every single day when we were younger and basically played games, baseball, football, tennis, chase, we never had a problem entertaining ourselves and it was all physical exertion.

So we were actually stronger physically back then and more able to defend ourselves than it seems is the norm today, that those that are bullied today seem to drop so far into despair they reach for an equalizer that ends in death.

Just My Opinion OK.


+1...all of it!


Well the problem lies here: Because most families need both parents working or a single parent household, they tend to use computers/iPads to keep their children quiet.

Children that don't play tag, soccer, tennis etc. tend to have less confidence to do so.

These children usually do what they're comfortable with... so computing.

This leads to or re-enforce anti-social behaviour/internet addiction.

So we end up with wimpy kids who play CoD all day.

Without any proper parenting they solve problems like bullying the same way they solve it in game.

By shooting people. Duh.

Not to saying all people who play CoD become rampaging idiots. I mean like I'm yet to... :3

Just saying it's really difficult to stand up to these guys... even just a little bit if you're a weak little shrimp who games/browses the internet all day.

We've got a generation of people used to getting whatever they want in video games.

I mean like if I can seduce Leliana in Dragon Age: Origins with a bunch of virtual flowers and chocolate... then why is that girl Rachel in class refusing me?

Irresistible even to someone so awesome like me? I gave her the flowers... the everything...

Aside from mental illness, I agree with chunkymonster - The two things children need the most is structure and discipline!

Someone had written some gibberish about problems with single parent families. I find this hard to believe. I'm a single father and have always taught my son to respect other people. And though he has been gaming since he was 10 years old or so, I always explained the difference between fiction and real life. He knows that killing someone in Battlefield 4 is not the same as killing in real life. I'm also a hunter and taught my son to hunt so he knows full well what a real gun can do. Hunting is a sport, but I've always taught respect for all life. My son and I only kill what we will eat. Senseless killing is something nobody needs.

Good for you.

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