What's faster... an OC GTX 1070 or an OC 980 Ti?

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May 13, 2010
So, I'm considering buying either a 980Ti Extreme Amp Edition from Zotac, or an AIB/Founder's edition GTX 1070 and I'm seeing that prices are basically the same (ebay vs new). I'm also seeing that the 1070 is faster at stock clocks... However, the 980 Ti is an OVERCLOCKING BEAST!!

There's simply not a whole lot of information out there right now that pits a fully overclocked 980Ti vs a fully overclocked GTX 1070. Anyway, I don't know what to do... I intend to use this in a single GPU configuration for games, on a single 1440p monitor...my cpu is a 4.8Ghz 6700k, 16Gb DDR4

Any suggestions? Which do you guys think will be faster/better for me? I play mainly FPS games, DOOM, BF4, Battlefront, etc. Thanks!!
The 1070 is faster than the 980ti and other than the reference design (aka founders edition) should have more OC headroom than the 980ti. The die shrink and more efficient architecture should make the 1070 a clear winner, especially being significantly cheaper.
Ok, first of all I assume you dont have a problem with the TRIPLE slot beast that is the 980ti Extreme Amp Edition.

So having said that, my suggestion would be....neither of the two!
Seriously, the 1070 is expensive as hell at the moment. It should be significantly cheaper than the 980ti. Any 980ti.

The reasons for that are:
A) Waaaaay too soon.
B) Founders Edition

Why would you get a founders edition anyway? Its a reference card, its overclocking capabilities are limited, and you get this for the sweet low price of an extra 70 dollars. YES it is 70 bucks more expensive.

You seem to want the best there is, and presumably you can pay up to $550 (since thats how much the Zotac 980ti Ex Amp costs on Amazon).
So just wait a while, and get a GTX 1080 when the price is right.

Or just get the 1070.

Granted, the 1070 hasnt launched yet, but all I could find on amazon was 1 for 630 dollars. That cant be right.

Anyway, prices for these cards are:

GTX 980Ti Extreme Amp Edition: $550 (lowest I could find)
GTX 1070: $450 (Founders) - $380 (proper non-reference)
GTX 1080: $700 (Founders) - $600 (proper non-reference)

Why would you get the 980ti?
The 1080 is better in every way.

Just wait a bit and get the best card that Nvidia has to offer.

[Replying to OP]
See? Just get the 1080 mate, dont waste your money on a 980ti.
Some people might want to WAIT until we have all the information in for RX-480.

All the new cards have improvements (Polaris/Pascal) such as better HEVC, VR optimizations, higher video bandwidth. NVidia has some cool software coming like Ansel (2D/3D game snapshots), better audio..

*Here's some of what separates:

1) ASync Compute etc.
so much incorrect information. AMD should have the lead for DX12 (relatively) however for properly optimized games it likely won't be a big difference (and that's one aspect.)

It probably won't be nearly the big deal AMD is letting on. The GTX1000 series has optimizations however nothing's been code for it, including AotS so it's big mess.

*GTX900 and earlier is going to suffer in future DX12 games though, but keep it in perspective in that many people have a large number of games ALREADY so you don't buy solely for games that have yet to come out.

2) RX-480 4GB/8GB models for $200/$230 MSRP

3) RX-480 vs GTX1070 performance?
Nothing reliable for more CURRENT games, and of course you want to compare after-market, apples-to-apples.

*Current estimate is about 80% of the GTX1070 performance. (maybe similar for future DX12 games)

While AMD does have Virtual Reality optimizations too, some are saying their preemption is better (we'll see), however one thing we do NOT know yet is whether they have the ability to do something similar to SMP.

Basically NVidia has optimizations when dealing with multiple screens so they can get up to 60% boost in VR. This needs the plugin so it's for upcoming titles only.

5) AMD has even taken the effort to provide code so that individuals with monocular vision can appreciate VR as well.

- AMD RX-480 great value, but some misleading info (AotS), and not all data points in yet.
Wow, just wow.... you guys are awesome!!

Thanks for all the input! I see what you're all saying about waiting a bit for the prices to drop on the 1080's and 1070's and you're right about waiting for whatever impact the AMD RX480's will have in the market as well.

Heck, with all this talk about the 1080ti and successor to the Titan X launching later this year (along with AMD's Vega); all supposedly incorporating HBM2 and even Crazier Performance.. it certainly is a Volatile time to be buying Any GPU!

With that being said, I did (unfortunately maybe) just buy that Zotac Amp Edition 980ti on ebay for $450... With the founders edition 1070 probably getting Very close in terms of price/perf I'm not too bummed about it. But, I will be changing that card out (and possibly keeping it) and moving to the GTX 1080 or a pair of RX 480's in Xfire very soon.

I'm really curious to see if nVidia actually does NERF the 9xx series cards moving forward. I see a Lot of speculation around the web regarding this, so I'd really like to be able to determine its validity for myself. I'll post my findings and benchmarking results to XBnPC on youtube if you guys are interested and thank you all again for your input. I hate to "pick a winner"... you were all spot on 😀

What do you mean by "Nerf" the 9 series cards....like reduce their clocks or something and put inferior versions out on the market?
Why would they do that?

Not releasing slower clocked versions of the 9xx series, but actually gimping them via driver updates. It's something I've seen people accuse nVidia of all over the web. In particular how they Allegedly did that to the 780ti. One guy that I saw, said that he was running BF4 getting 90fps on a 780ti and after installing the driver update that rolled out with the 9xxx series cards; he was getting in the 50-60's with the same settings.

Anyway, it's something that I'll be keeping an eye on. I'm going to test the 980Ti with the current driver and all future versions; keep all the benchmarking data over the next few months as nvidia roll out more and more of their 10xx cards and see if there's any truth to it. I'll post it all in a youtube video so if you just search for it you should find it.

As to Why they'd do it...? To get people to buy the new cards I guess... but, I certainly hope they Don't do it! That's for sure!

Fyi, I don't care if 10xx performance goes UP from driver optimizations, but there should be no reason for any drastic drops in performance from their previous generation cards, right?

What a ridiculous claim. I sincerely doubt its true.

Given how easy it is to test, and that it would pretty much ruin/damage the company's reputation, Nvidia would have to be very dumb to do something like this.
I mean, technically all you need is a half-reputable website posting benchmark results comparing different driver versions with the same card, and suddenly its all over the internet. And people can test it themselves too.

After a while, its a known fact, and people would be taking the piss at Nvidia for doing this. Terrible move, there's NO reason for them to do that, unless they want to lose loyal customers and enthusiasts.

However, I dont want to discourage you from doing this.
By all means, go forth and test it. If you find any truth in that claim, I wanna know. Heck, most people would want to know.

And yes, there should be no drastic drop in performance, from older to newer driver.
However, the drop in performance needs to be in more than 1 game alone. If its just 1 game (or maybe 2 if they are using the exact same gfx engine) then it could be some strange glitch. Not necessarily a glitch, but possibly one.
A custom 980ti is faster than both custom and founders 1070. And if you can find a good offer for an used 980ti, it will be a nice purchase.

For example i bought used Gigabyte gtx 980 ti g1 gaming for 470$ and the card is an absolute beast. And i have more than 2 years warranty left.

Do you have anything to back that up with? I haven't seen any reviews that show a 980 Ti being faster on average than a 1070. I saw some reviews that showed a couple games where the 1070 was essentially tied with the Titan X and 980 Ti but in most games there was a clear separation with the 1070 on top.



You can check this review.

Also you can compare reviews for 980 ti and for 1070 from one and the same site, for same resolutions and games. For instance check MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Gaming X guru review vs Gigabyte GeForce GTX 980 Ti G1 Gaming SOC Review Guru review. And please note that there are more powerful GTX 980ti than GB G1 version.

May be with the updated drivers 1070 will become better, but for now 980ti is still stronger performer, especially if you can find it for less money as i did. Because in my country gtx 1070 will cost around 500 EUR and i bought 980 ti for 410 EUR.

Best regards.
980ti is $409 new from newegg + 2% back with ebay bucks:

980ti seems faster than 1070 in this review on youtube, 1070 is 8 degrees hotter than 980ti, but it's probably because of the reference fan.

1070 SC is $439, but i'd wait for the FTW edition

I was all about the 1070, but almost none of them are coming in at $380. Gigabyte is the one I was interested in the most and that was on newegg for $430. Now they took down the price and it just says "coming soon"...Meanwhile, I am in the process of negotiating a used gigabyte g1 980ti for $300...at that price it's hard to say "no" and keep waiting for what...2 gigs of ram and 5-8 more fps at $130 more? Decisions..decisions. What would you do in that scenario. $300 for g1 980ti or 430 for g1 1070?

If your talking stock the 1070 wins. So far people me included can only get around 5%-13% OC on a 1070FE.
Oced the 980ti will beat a oced 1070FE except in a few games (Hitman,GTV,dx12 etc), because The maxwell cards OC better at around 20-25%. (1070 OCing excludes aftermarket because they have not come out)

But the difference is very minimal except in TC Division which I am hoping they will fix for the 1070.
So this all comes down to price and what you can buy the cards for. A 1070 is 400-450$ when they come in stock on newegg. A used 980ti can be got for 300-400$ and a new one for 400-450$.

Would i buy a 980ti if they were both 450$ no i would buy a 1070. 50$ plus under a 1070 price is where I would consider buying a 980ti. Just remember prices on most cards will be reduced by 100$ish in the next month or two so take that into account.
In this scenario i would buy gigabyte gtx 980 ti g1 gaming... Oh, wait, i did exactly this. Except the prices are different in my country - i bought 6 month old 980ti for 410 EUR, which is good price, considering that 1070 will cost around 500 EUR. And please check the reviews i posted above - custom 980 ti are faster than 1070.
Of course they are. But even if 1070 is custom too (for now we have review only for msi 1070), 980 ti is at least equal to 1070. So now the price become most important... 😉
K just looked it up and both cards are OC'ed. A 980ti OC will beat a oced 1070ed.Like we both said before. I disagree with you that a stock 980ti will beat a stock 1070. I think that what you said need to double check your post.

Also that's not even a good 980ti OC they only got 17% on the memory.
Sorry, may be you did not understand me (my english is a little bit rusty) - i am talking only about custom 980TIs. The reference ones are indeed weaker than 1070.
My Bad. Have you been able to OC that 980 ti? in the video he only got 30mhz on the core. Most i;ve seen have gotten +200mhz on the core and about the same on the memory.
I saw this and it made me want to try water cooling my VD

Zotac 980Ti with Titan X waterblock on it

1.275 voltage bios from Overclockers.net
121% power limit
Always boost
7900 mem
1540 clock
my 1070 OC's Badly so i cant do much with it. but i got a swifttech 220 x2 on my 6700k going to push it past 4.5ghz when i DL some more games right now i'm playing dominion 4 so i got to be careful not to stress my cpu out ;-) jking
Actually i did some overclocking and the card is absolutely stable at 1550/8000MHz. Achieved 108.5 fps on UNIGINE HEAVEN and the result would be higher, but i am still using my old 2500k @ 4.2GHz (awsome cpu - will change it only when my motherboard dies).

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