what's mbid.exe and how do i get rid of it?


Jan 12, 2006
Hi. I downloaded and ran an identifying tool for Award BIOS (from AWARD), and it left an MS executable called "mbid.exe" on my desktop. I cant delete it. Says in-use. There's nothing on my start-up that I know would start mbid.exe.

Bugs the heck outta me.
Do a search for it to find out "exactly" where it is. Write down the FULL address. Reboot, and press F8 to get menu options. Boot to a command prompt.

At the "C" prompt, type cd(type in the back slash symbol), and hit Enter.

Then type in cd(space bar here)the exact FULL address of the file(leave the file name off), and hit Enter.

Now type in: del(space bar here)mbid.exe, and hit Enter.