What's the Best Cheap CPU Fan For Overclocking


Jul 9, 2016
Hi I'm looking to overclock my i7-920 but I'm worried about doing it with the stock fan I do have 7 fans running that are on my case but I really need a better cpu cooler, I had a look at the hyper 212 evo and x but I'm just wondering if there is anything better, also do I have to take my mobo out to install a new fan?
If anyone can reply thank you so much!
I think you'd be very happy with either mate,& no not worth buying a i7 950/960 at all - your 920 will hit 3.2ghz without even blinking.

That 780ti is an hard privce to ignore if its guarantedd good condition,how much would a 970 cost you over that??
Yeah, I'm in Canada so the H7 was never viable for me either.

For overclocking, the stock cooler isn't going to give you much headroom (if any at all), so it's not recommended.

The 212 EVO is the best 'budget' cooler that's available around the world.
It depends on the case.

The 212 EVO uses a backplate (i believe, I haven't used on in a while). If your case has a cutout for the backplate, you could do it in the case - realistically though, it's just an easier/smoother process removing the board first.

One other thing - ensure your case has sufficient clearance for the 212 EVO, it is quite tall, which can present issues in some cases.
Depends on your case. Some cases have a solid motherboard tray, so needing to remove the motherboard, some cases have a huge hole behind the socket, so doesn't require removing.

A cpu cooler is made up of a heatsink and a fan, its not the same thing, so literally, No, you'll never have to remove the mobo to change the fan is different than Yes, you might have to remove the motherboard to mount the heatsink (cooler)

Yeah I'm wondering which one I should get now, I'm gonna use the overclocking to hold a gtx 1060 but I don't think it'll matter with either one I go with, plus the gama looks smaller, but I'm not sure cause I'm new to all this stuff

Alrighty I'm gonna go and check the version of my CPU I'll be back shortly if not tomorrow ten am Sydney time

Revision is c0/c1 so I'm not sure if this is good or bad and if I should go with the gammaxx
You need to do some temp & stress testing with your stock cooler now at stock speeds.

If you can top out low 70s while running Intel burn test then the gammaxx will be Good for 3.4ghz or so in my estimation (its better than a stock Intelcooler by 14-18c generally )

The c0 revisions have been known to hit close to 90c in some cases.

Alright I'll have to get back to you tomorrow on that cause it's like 11pm here, quickly what program do I use to do the internal tests/ do I just play a game like dayz or Arma 3 as they are known to be CPU intensive

Alright I'll do that in a bit and post back asap ty for your help so far!!!!!! Have a good one

Okay so I did the standard and high tests and the stock fan held up to 70 degrees constant on the standard and on the high it was an average of 76 degrees so what's the next step now, should I get the gammaxx or the hyper?