Question Whats the best or most recommended/compatible GPU i should put on my 7850k Amd Apu? ($120-$200 range)

Mar 21, 2019
I know its an older cpu but I dont want to spend money on a new system as i would have to get a new Cpu, Mobo and Ram.

I have disabled onboard graphics.

I currently have an Rx 550 and responses to my other post say to just sell it and get a better Gpu due to computer being sluggish.

I use computer for occupational older games, web, netflix, youtube. I already have 16gb 2400mz ram, SSD and 850w platinum power supply (i know its overkill but i needed a new one and this is future proof) .

Motherboard is Gigabyte F2A88XM-D3H

Thank you.
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