What's The Best Universal Monitor


Mar 21, 2014
I've been looking for a universal monitor that is good for FPS and RTS games. Which brand should I look for when searching for gaming monitors. I am specifically looking for a monitor that has a refresh rate of 120hz and 1920 x 1080. The size doesn't matter too much but I don't want to pay over $300.

The best monitors for gaming are the upcoming G-Sync monitors however you need an NVidia GTX600/700 series graphics card.

It's coming soon but likely about $400USD for something similar to above but with G-Sync. I'd expect a drop to almost $300 in a year.

It really is a massive deal though, and I thoroughly understand the technology. Some links:



On a 120Hz monitor you have to be able to output above 120FPS or you get screen tearing. That's pretty demanding for a gaming PC in modern games.

Another great deal about G-Sync is that you don't...

The best monitors for gaming are the upcoming G-Sync monitors however you need an NVidia GTX600/700 series graphics card.

It's coming soon but likely about $400USD for something similar to above but with G-Sync. I'd expect a drop to almost $300 in a year.

It really is a massive deal though, and I thoroughly understand the technology. Some links:



On a 120Hz monitor you have to be able to output above 120FPS or you get screen tearing. That's pretty demanding for a gaming PC in modern games.

Another great deal about G-Sync is that you don't need a better graphics card necessarily. For example, I'd much rather have a GTX770 instead of a GTX780 if I could take the money difference and put that towards the price premium of a G-Sync monitor ($100 over regular?).

Well then I'm getting a 60hz monitor...
Okay, I hope I haven't confused you...

Anyway, you can get a 60Hz with an IPS panel (IPS is better if the monitor is well-built).

I don't have time to do any research, but this one isn't very expensive and the few reviews here are favourable: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/hp-monitor-23xi

I have an NVidia card, and use Adaptive VSync for most games (you can Google that if you have NVidia).

I generally use VSYNC ON because I can't stand screen tearing so I prefer to have the FPS over the refresh rate at all times. If you have VSYNC ON but can't output above the target (in this case 60FPS) you get a very quick, annoying stutter due to the mismatch.

Thus, I use Adaptive VSync and carefully calibrate my game settings so I rarely, or never, drop below 60FPS. Adaptive VSync will simply turn VSYNC off if you can't output 60FPS so you get screen tearing as per normal with VSYNC off but don't get the stuttering.

Going with this; http://pcpartpicker.com/part/benq-monitor-rl2455hm