What's the most overrated game you've ever played?

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Aug 30, 2003
Ah yeah Halo. Still makes me smile and also want to stab someone when console fans talk fondly of that game. How they managed to make a game which comprised mostly of carboncopied corridor after corridor I have no idea. Coupled with below par graphics which took a monster to play and that game got uninstalled very quickly.


Apr 3, 2006
I tend buy games only after the hype has died down and the first stable patches appear, so I rarely get sucked into a bad buy, but for me the Dungeon Siege games just bit the big one. Never could get into either one (yes, I bought the second one too - foolishly optimistic of me I know), but at least they only cost $50 for the whole schmear, as I bought them later and on sale. So I am only out the price of 1 good game to get 2 lousy ones... :roll:


Jun 7, 2006
to be honest it was oblivion the only thing it had going for it was grapics but then i relized heyt wait a sec morrowind is way funner i mean u can kill some one and a gaurd will all the sudden appear inside the house like he was watcing i mean wtf is that that snot fun how are you supposed to have fun when the gaurds can see everything u are doing?


Aug 8, 2006
Well I'm going go in a completely different direction and say Sims2. The first Sims was great..seemed innovative. But Sims2 really didn't add much, just kinda slowed down game play and gave you even more crap to worry about (besides having your guy pee himself in front of his lady friend.


Apr 11, 2006
My list is topped by Doom 3, I have built my system around that game and was I dissapointed! I think it was the most boring and innovation devoid game in history of gaming.
BF2 definetely takes the second spot: infantry combat was lackluster, especially sniping and everything took a year to do. The only thing I liked about the BF2 was the attack helicopter, but you can only enjoy that if you have a decent joystick.
FEAR is third, I was severely bored by the demo so I didn't even play the full game.

I must disagree with you ppl on HL2 and Halo, I personally thought HL2 was the best FPS singleplayer I ever played and Halo just had a perfect combat model: 2 weapons and grenades with a separate button.


Apr 11, 2006
My list is topped by Doom 3, I have built my system around that game and was I dissapointed! I think it was the most boring and innovation devoid game in history of gaming.
BF2 definetely takes the second spot: infantry combat was lackluster, especially sniping and everything took a year to do. The only thing I liked about the BF2 was the attack helicopter, but you can only enjoy that if you have a decent joystick.
FEAR is third, I was severely bored by the demo so I didn't even play the full game.

I must disagree with you ppl on HL2 and Halo, I personally thought HL2 was the best FPS singleplayer I ever played and Halo just had a perfect combat model: 2 weapons and grenades with a separate button.


Aug 3, 2005
I would have to say BF2
I was so hyped about the game!
But there are just tooooooo many problems with it.
So many glitches, HUGE updates.
Even worse for me with my famous "aussie lag".
It just such a pain to find a decent server with mates!


Mar 5, 2006
Hmmm... going to get flamed, I know it.
But, the most overrated game I ever played was FEAR. After who knows how many industrial warehouse levels I just quit. I was sick of all the boring textures and stuff. I did like the AI, but that was all the game had going for it. The system reqs are ridiculous for that game, too. All that power just to get to play FEAR? Wasn't worth it for me.
Behind that, Doom3. And trailing that, Half-life 2 (I know I'll get it for that one:))
OMFG you f___ing piece of s___ Half-Life 2 is teh rox! You are teh sux! OMG. Joking aside, I'd say Battlefield 2 and FEAR are the worst. I just got Battlefield 2 today and I am extremely disappointed. I've had FEAR for a while, it is okay but still a disappointment. You know what game deserved a honorable mention (or dishonorable mention)? Call of Duty 2. I have two PC's, one mid range and the other high end. My high end plays fine (Opteron 270, dual 1900XT's). But my mid range system, which should play the game on high settings, does not do well (Prescott 3 GHz, HIS 1600XT). Call of Duty 2's engine is perhaps the most poorly optimized piece of shit for an engine I have ever witnessed. It plays everything else on top quality though, figure that out.

Three BEST games I've played?

In order from least to greatest:

1.) Half-Life 2 and Episode One

2.) Halo 2

3.) Halo: CE PC.

EDIT: Why didn't the system censor that again?


Jan 20, 2005
Just an opinion-based thread, no flames please.

I'm going to walk out on a limb here and say that, for me personally, it has to be Battlefield 2. I know that this game is worshipped by a great deal of people out there, but I have to be honest and say I was very disappointed. I spent $50 on a game that takes forever to load every level. And when you finally get to play, for some reason your bullets careen all over the screen and hit everything except what you are aiming at. Oh, and good freakin' luck playing if you're not the first person to load and jump in that "Invinci-Tank."

Remember, this is just an opinion. I just want to see what other people think about buying a game that everyone says is awesome, installing it and thinking to yourself, "WTF."

Hands down it was Warcraft 3. I love Blizzard studios; strongly disliked WC3.


Mar 28, 2006
I'm right there with you BomberBill.

But I think Neverwinter Nights takes the prize for me.

God that plot sucked beans.

But right after that is definitely Warcraft 3


Mar 28, 2006
I'm right there with you BomberBill.

But I think Neverwinter Nights takes the prize for me.

God that plot sucked beans.

But right after that is definitely Warcraft 3


Apr 24, 2006
Okay, it's been a while since I started this thread. But it just occurred to me that I never implicitly said I was talking about PC games. If we factor in console games then I have a more over-rated game than my Battlefield 2 response: Halo 2. Dear God in Heaven, how did this pile of garbage sell so many freakin' copies? The gameplay was exactly like the first one...lackluster. And the plot was horrible. Playing as a Covenant soldier? What a craptastic idea. And the game being chock-full of the exact same enemies as the first one was a major disappointment. It was less a sequel and more like Halo: The Extended Edition.

I hope the movie doesn't suck as bad as the sequel. (But the fact that it's a movie based on a video game pretty much guarantees that it will.)
I'm right there with you BomberBill.

But I think Neverwinter Nights takes the prize for me.

God that plot sucked beans.

LOL I got bored once and bought the Neverwinter Nights Platinum Edition because a friend a year or so before told me how great it was. Yeah, the plot line actually made me angry before I got past the first starting city. Think I only made it through three cities/towns before I got bored and stopped playing the game. ;)


Jun 29, 2004
4 me it definetly has 2 be HALO
i didnt get it til a long time it had been out on pc and even longer on xbox. id never played it and every1 said it was SOOOO good. the best game thre is. etc. bla bla bla.

i got it on PC and after not being able to run coz not supporting my gfx card and downloading a patch 4 it after half an hour i was bored.
its completly unrealistic(in a bad way, not like UT which is a fun way) i never finished the game and probably never will play it again.
It was just Terible!

also BF2, doom3 and quake4(expecially after q3 being me all time fav game)

definently not hl2(excellent game)


Aug 14, 2006
over rated???? 99 night on xbox 360..... not a bad game but it looked/sounded like it should have been alot better.

ya i'm joining the group sayin BF2 is dull... not at first but it gets that way

everyone Loves at least one game everyone eles hates. for me it's Halo... halo broke my FPS cherry... it was the first FPS i got in to.... i will allways like it... but online halo2 does get old real quick.


Aug 4, 2006
Every Blizzard game after Diablo 2(classic).

As far as Battlefield 2... I think it's one of the best games I've ever played. I know it has faults, like long loading, but with 2 gigs memory it's pretty fast. I think it's even more fun then Unreal 2004. I'm really looking forward to Battlefield 2142.


Dec 14, 2005
I actually liked all of the above mentioned games except doom. But you are right they were all horribly over publicized. Especially hl2. But then again when you watch every preview and read every article about an up coming game it does tend to get your hopes up. FEAR did rock though.


May 13, 2004
the worst game i have ever played was heavy metal f.a.k.k. 2
it was expensive and you didn't get anything for your money... :evil:
graphics from hell, no gaming fun and the syncronisation was like a monkey tryed to speak spanish...


Sep 19, 2006
God of war was very overhyped, it was easy even on spartan dificulty.

it wasn't very innovative either...and it had a few plot holes that didn't make sense to me...


Feb 16, 2006
God of war was very overhyped, it was easy even on spartan dificulty.

it wasn't very innovative either...and it had a few plot holes that didn't make sense to me...

Yeah, God of War was hyped big time, but I actually loved the game. Not much new there, and there were some holes, but it was fun to play and absolutely great to look at.

Since this thread is going strong and since I've already made my feelings known about Halo, I suppose I'll nominate some more.

Madden NFL: All of them.

Call of Duty 2: multiplayer is good, but the single player is basically a shorter version of CoD with grunts, gasps and a stupid grenade indicator.

Doom 3: Never much liked the Doom series, but people told me I had to try this one. Still didn't like it.
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