What's the most overrated game you've ever played?

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Sep 26, 2006
Shadow of the Colossus for the PS2 seiously overhyped and really a bad game didn't get 20 minutes into it when I realized oh different look same monster. As for Doom3 it doesn't compare to Doom2 (probably the best game of all time). Railroad tycoon 3 was nowhere near as good as RR2 infact it sucked the fun out of the game. As for Dungeon Siege its a good game to play for a week as it is an excellent dungeon crawl its just that there isn't enough player interaction. But I have to admint I buy games in the bargain bin there is no way I am paying 50$ for a game when i can pick it up for 10$ in a few weeks. I picked up Doom3 CE for 9.99 for the xbox. Has anyone seen Okami yet now that looks like next years lamest game of the year, but I am sure DragonBallZ will get that.


Jan 12, 2006
Odd - I loved Railroad Tycoon 3. And one of my friends also liked it so much after playing it once on my PC, he went out and bought his own copy.

Guess we all have different tastes!


Sep 26, 2006
I have never understood the Halo hype machine of course once you have beaten Doom, Doom2, and Hexen, Halo is a wallk in the park. I have played it, but Doom2 was soooo much better we used to close down shop on Fridays and fire up the work computers for a weekend of deathmatches(circa 1995)


May 26, 2006
but Doom2 was soooo much better we used to close down shop on Fridays and fire up the work computers for a weekend of deathmatches(circa 1995)

lol we played duringing lunch hour (or 3) one lad used to get sea sick!
Hexen used to confuse me.

Loved Wolfenstein, thats a classic.


Aug 28, 2006
I'm going to join in with the HL2 comments. This is not to say I didn't enjoy the game, but the once through was plenty and certainly not worth the downside that is STEAM. I now avoid all STEAM released games like they were plauge ridden disease filled bags of used pus. On the plus side, HL2 got me to re-assess certain preconcieved notions I had about FPS, and that's a good thing. Still doesn't mean I'll be buying any of the episodes though.


Aug 17, 2006
Black and White - too much time spent trying to figure out what the hell you were supposed to do and why you're creature kept throwing up.

Personally, I thought Halo for the PC was a pretty cool game. It opened me up to the FPS arena (I was always an RTS guy), and even though I've now played several FPS games, Halo still stands out as one that was tons of fun. Although, I agree the ships got a bit boring and the Library level was like "Ok, maybe this is the end... no? Ok, then maybe this is the end... no? Ok then..."

Best games I ever played (in no particular order):
Freespace 2 - Best storyline EVER!
SW: Kotor2
SW: Republic Commando


Mar 19, 2006
halo 2 and halo 1 is overrated, but i stil like it as a fun fps game, how they scored on most game review sites i would stil agree with, jus the hype that pisses me off

my fav game is fear, flat out cuz of the gd story, mechanics, fun multiplayer, i agree that its repetitive though, also indigo prophecy, cuz of story and gameplay


Jul 21, 2006
HL2 remains my all time favorite FPS, and even having played the beta I was absolutely amazed, I wish I could recapture that feeling.

Farcry was also amazingly awesome, even with the trigens. Shit, there is no other game out there that actually makes you feel like you've DONE something, unlike these other sissy games where "hard" is there to make the casual gamer feel good about himself. If you take the time, farcry can really make you THINK.

Personally I think a game is what you make it. If you go into a game and say to the developers "ok, show me" you're failing, because games are built around the player (or at least good ones).

In this respect DooM3 failed for me. Granted I really was hoping that it would be like they described, where you could hide from enemies in the dark etc. but no we got the teleport in behind you stuff. Basically it was a game where you had to have the way to play it in your system, it was almost purely twitch based.

Quake4 on the other hand I found to be much better than I expected, long, involved, and HARD.

I like my games hard, and I play them on hard the first time, every time. If you dont want your games to push you to think, then, well, I dont know what to tell you.

One counter example that I encountered is BiA. I love realism games, and I guess its not fair to call BiA realism, but the way it was marketed sure led to some misconceptions. It was also a console port so I guess that sort of makes it differnt. Needless to say I didnt really enjoy the gameplay because it was so gimicky. They claimed you could play the game w/o crosshairs, and maybe you could, but it sure didnt help that they broke the ironsights and gave guns a 2 foot cone fire. Sure, its to make you use your squad, but the implementation was absolute trash on the computer.

Anyway, if you dont feel like reading that, DooM3 (though it was rated pretty low anyway) and BiA. HL2 and FC rock :D


WHERE IS WOW?!?!?!? Most over rated game ever? WORLD OF WARCRAFT. HELLO!!!! :D :D


Aug 17, 2006
WHERE IS WOW?!?!?!? Most over rated game ever? WORLD OF WARCRAFT. HELLO!!!! :D :D

I've never played WoW myself, so I wouldn't know if it was overrated or not (it probably is), but... tell that to the millions of players that eat and breath the game.


Dec 19, 2004
I tend buy games only after the hype has died down and the first stable patches appear, so I rarely get sucked into a bad buy, but for me the Dungeon Siege games just bit the big one. . .

AMEN to that one. DS was absolutely horrible. The landscape was so bright I felt like I was on LSD, and the game is 90% inventory management with teensy-weensy item icons. Almost every item you find or buy is a slight improvement over the former - like on the order of .10 percent. So you're constantly swapping things in and out of what was probably the #1 most awful inventory system ever designed (likely inspired by Ultima) . . . UGH!

Oh, yeah, and I nominate any version of Ultima Online.

Not sure about overhyped, but the #1 worst time I was suckered was Sierra's Lords of Magic. I still boycott them to this day (and probably have missed out on one or two decent games . . . ) . . .boy, it was a STINKER.


Oct 30, 2006
Battlefield 2142. So much anticipation for it and all they done was remoddle BF2 with oversized guns generic sci-fi stuff


Jan 17, 2005
Halo 2, FEAR, Prey (though it was very solid in rather unique ways, but underwhelming regardless) on the higher side of its reviews though many got it right.

Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy if you played the US version) somehow outscored Dreamfall in reviews...?_?... It baffles me.

Oblivion, for all its awesomeness, continued the extremely disturbing trend of dumbing down the Elder Scrolls series. It also had a deeply flawed leveling system by default. Even mods had difficulty repairing such a broken aspect of the game.

That Brothers in Arms WW2 series.

All the Source ports made by Valve. They're actually a very average developer when they rush their products...

You could pretty much list all the modern mainstream console games.

Speaking of consoles: SNES. I'll take NES over it any day if we're talking about the overall picture. SNES only had a few truly awesome games to rise above the NES, & none to rise above Baseball Stars & Super Mario Bros. 3.


Apr 3, 2006
WHERE IS WOW?!?!?!? Most over rated game ever? WORLD OF WARCRAFT. HELLO!!!! :D :D

WoW is not everyone's cup of tea, to be sure, but it doesn't deserve to be on a most overrated list - lots of hype, but it also delivers a LOT of enjoyable MMO gameplay, and the huge community of players is a real benefit. The thing I hate about some other MMORPGs is that there aren't enough people there when you need them - hardly ever a problem with WoW...


Oct 25, 2006

I still say WoW, just because people enjoy it does not mean it isn't overrated.

HL2 has shown up on this list plenty of times, sold millions of copies and was a blast from start to finish imo. I enjoyed FEAR as well, and believe it or not beat Doom3.

What confuses me is this, nobody says Doom3 is was one of the greatest games ever, even folks who didn't mind the game don't glorify it. How can it be overrated if nobody says it's great?

Just saying, it is all subjective.

Now, my reasoning on WoW. I have played MMO since they came out and have beta'd or subscribed to at least 20 MMO's. WoW took everything I liked in previous games, dumbed it down and spoon fed it to me. The economy is straight up crap due to gold sellers making crafting a waste of time. The battlegrounds were pointless due to twinked players at level 12 running around with flaming swords that kill in 3 hits. Add the fact that you have 10yo kids with level 60+ terrorizing the 15+ contested quest zone and it just makes things unfun.

Don't get me wrong, Blizz always creates a solid, playable game. But this game caters to people with lots of time and is not fun for the casual player imo.


Jan 11, 2008
Half Life 2 (coming from someone who loved half-life, and put countless hours into TF Classic in the late 90's) I just recently got the Orange Box, and never gave HL2 a second look after playing about 3 hours into it, It just didnt capture my interest. I hated TF2 at first, but it grew on me.

Age of Empires 3, another game I spent a few hours on and wished I had that money back, (antoher series I came back to after loving AOE, back in the 90's)

Command an conquer post red alert, (I keep comming across rave reviews and people that loves these new ones, they suck.) tiberian sun wasnt great, but still "felt" like C&C, RA 2 sucked, Generals sucked, C&C3 sucked. More money down the drain.

I think were beginning to see a trend here, games i loved before, I hate their current incarnations.

Far Cry 2 Rave reviews, I commend anyone who isn't bored out of their mind after realizing every mission is essentially same and the beauty of the landscape wears off.

Halo, sucks.

BF2, I must be one of the few that actually thinks BF2142 is much better.

I could probably keep going on and on. I have plenty of games collecting dust, that i thought didn't live up to online reviews and public hype.

Just to further elaborate, no game essentially lives up to the hype. I am no game reviewer but I can only imagine they don't put hugely extensive periods of game play into initial reviews. Plenty of games I like and still like I would of course, probably be more promotional after a few hours of play as opposed to after putting say 40+ hours of play, and seeing all the pimples on the game.

Empire total war is an exception to that rule, I havent really had the opportunity to put alot of time into it, like many others that game CTD's for me like a mofo, I want so much to like the game, but I cant reccomend it until they work the kinks out.


Feb 5, 2009
Off the wall here, but i played fear 2 because it was so hyped aftera decent game (the first one i mean) and i stopped playing it because it was exactly like the first... exactly... the first level... seriously, just like every other encounter in the first.
Doom... even thought the levels were bland and all similar the gameplay mechanic was entertaining, and it scared the *** out of me (5.1 in the dark kind of gamer)
oh and to the red faction gamer... RF2.. well there is a mod for ut2004 that is basically a total conversion with updated gfx and gameplay.. that sould have been the sequel because it rocks. its called mars wars 3 (version 3 just came out earlier this month)


Oct 31, 2007
"BF2, I must be one of the few that actually thinks BF2142 is much better."

My god man, this is some sweet nerco-posting here, but your statement is outta this world. BF2142 is bf2 with the #pace# removed from it and with extra balance issues.

To add my 2cents to the list, HL2 (but not the episodes for some reason I really like those) I thought was 'tEh SuCk'. It wasn't half life 1, nor nothing like it, which was my biggest gripe, oh and throwing away all the story that went before it didnt help :p

Doom 3 is a bit dull, but the audio logs u picked up and listened to in a quiet corner somewhere made the game for me. loved 'em.


Mar 14, 2009
black and white

obviously. The game just sucked ass. With bugs.

HL2 was great even for its 16 hr (or so) gameplay. Yes, it was updated HL1 gameplay. But HL1 gameplay ROCKED. HL2 just had it all, story, gameplay, graphics.

God of war shouldnt be on this list either. The game is great fun to play, also great story/lore and graphics. To me, both god of war and HL2 are games of high quality, and really shouldnt be on such a list.


Dec 11, 2008
Most overrated of all time? That's easy - anything with Half-life or counterstrike in the title gets the gold medal.

Runners-up - COD4 and COD5. I really tried to like both of these games because I was such a huge fan of 1 and 2, but in the end they both have issues that just make them way to frustrating for me to play.


Sep 25, 2008

wuuuuuuut?! I can understand that not everyone can like a game, but to call it the most overrated game of all time? Little bit drastic eh, or are you gunning for effect here?


Dec 11, 2008

I just never got it with these games. They are just OK to me. Counterstrike is still one of the most played FPS online isn't it? I'm just one of those people that doesn't understand why, lol. So to me = overrated.


Oct 21, 2008
So many games, so little space...

HL2 got boring halfway through for me
Fear was super repetitive and looked like a tech demo
Far Cry 2 is yet another super boring tech demo
Left 4 Dead I played the first campaign, then I played one multiplayer game and that was it. No fun whatsoever for me in that one. I still don't get it.


Mar 31, 2009
I know we're talking about overrated games here, but since someone mentioned an over-hyped game, I'd like to chime in on that one.

Fury was the most over-hyped game I have ever witnessed (and bit into). I've never seen an MMO shut down its servers so quickly. It didn't last long enough to actually receive "ratings."
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