Question Whats with 11...


Nov 29, 2018
Alright I i know i am not the only one frustrated (to put it nicely) with windows 11. I had no choice but to install it on my 12 th gen system.

My one main complaint is this: waking it out of sleep mode. My gaming PC, everytime i put it into sleep mode and get off for a while or until the next day....don't matter if its 24 hrs, 30 minutes etc it always does the same.

My families gaming pc's all run win 10 and when we wake it up from sleep BAM no issues its up and running fine.

On this POS win 11 i wake it up by moving the mouse around and NOTHING. I click the mouse buttons as well and NOTHING.

I click on the windows button on the keyboard and it wakes up slowly! Then when it is up more than half the time it is frozen, not all the icons are on the taskbar the mouse is frozen and the only button that works is the windows button but cannot do nothing else.

when the mouse does happen to work after the wake up...i cannot click on anything. I cannot even restart it to get this damn windows back to normal.
anyone else having these issues? any advice would be great. Thx

Specs in sig.
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I turn off hibernate and sleep. I use 2 desktops and a lappy. But i use them for work, so once on, I don't want it to do anything except be on and usable immediately. Plus I gain about 8GB storage back by disabling Hibernate
Also take a look in Reliability History and Event Viewer.

Either one or both tools may be capturing some related error codes, warnings, or even informational events related to the sleep problems.

= = = =

Use Powershell to check and learn more about the system's sleep settings:

powercfg /a


Look first and double check everything before taking any actions.

Stay out of the registry and no third party tools or installers that claim to fix the problem(s).