Discussion What's your favourite video game you've been playing?

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Got you, thanks:)
It should unlock in 3 hours and 35 minutes. Excellent. :bounce:

Not that I've been waiting on this one for a few years or anything! :lol:

And I'm making a point to hit up Target tomorrow. Must enjoy a cold NukaCola Quantum whilst playing. Technically it will still be on the first day although I'm sure I'll play an hour or two tonight... 😛


For me it's a matter of valuing the precision of a mouse over a sluggish toggle. PC for FPS all the way for me.

That said, a lot of devs/pubs just have no respect for PC, and give us garbage optimization as mentioned.

OK, eyestrain break after 2 hours of Fallout 4. Freaking amazing so far! I'm not disappointed at all. World is huge and the level of detail is just truly awesome. I can see this being a 300 hour game easily.

When KB/M adapters for the 360 and PS3 started popping up a while ago and flooding the market in both retail and kit versions, it was shown that matches containing both gamepads and KB/M were easily dominated by the KB/M users.

It's not just a matter of familiarity, it's a matter of being taught bad habits while MS and Sony sit on fat profits with stagnating design concepts.


500 kb/s here. I'm working in a third world country so internet is slow and undependable, and expensive. $10 a gigabyte. But it's FO4 dammit.
Damn, NukaCola sold out before I could get to Target. I'll bet it will be $20 a bottle on ebay soon. 🙁
So I'm 13 hours into Fallout 4 and it's amazing. No the graphics aren't groundbreaking but it looks pretty darn good with all the settings maxed at 1440p. First off it's just an absolutely huge map. Second is the crazy settlement thing. You basically get full developer tools in certain ( in some cases huge ) areas of the game to create settlements. You attract settlers, feed them, shelter them, defend them etc. The scope is huge! I'm not that far in the game yet but eventually settlements will be linked by trade caravans and it's all set up by you. It's fairly intuitive but it's just so deep that it's really hard to explain without writing an article sized post.

My only small gripe is the load times are slightly longer than I'm used too with a 500GB SSD but they aren't even really that long just longer than I'm used to since moving over to SSDs. I think on a mechanical HDD it could become annoying and I've heard consoles are even slower. No other real bugs I've seen yet. All in all I haven't just wanted to sit and play a game for hours on end like this in a long time. Nothing but impressed.

Oh yeah.

Travis the DJ....ohmygod annoying!
I'm having a lot of fun with that other game that came out the 10th.
SC2: LotV is pretty neat.

Need to get in on some of that co-op / archon mode action though.

loving it. ~15 hours in. finding and crafting some awesome weapons and armor. think i've found about 8 companions so far, each with some good side-story missions. crafting settlements is a pretty cool addition, got myself a pretty nice stash of items and collectibles at my main house/workshop.
a lot of people complaining about another rehash of the creation engine but it looks great to me with ultra @ 1440.
I'll probably pick up Fallout 4 soon. Can't wait to explore Boston.

In the meantime, I had been playing Ryse: Son of Rome and I just finished the campaign. Honestly, I found this game to be fun and entertaining. I find it heavily underrated. I guess hype was what really messed up it's scores.

I can see why people would be instantly bored of gameplay though. The game is incredibly linear and the combat is very repetitive but it was challenging in a small way. But since I'm a story person, Ryse's main storyline was enough to cover that up for me. I didn't even mind the QTEs either. Story was a cliche' like too, but it was good IMO. And need I say it? Ryse is definitely, one of the prettiest games I've ever seen till now.
Shame you can't really explore, at all.

I'd give it a 7.5 or even an 8 out of 10. The campaign was about less than 9 hours, I think, but it was definitely a fun game.

From one game to the next, I picked up Tales from the Borderlands, since all the episodes are now out. I played through the first chapter. And I have to say, it felt like a movie with interactive sequences than a game. I loved it though, but it was after the episode that I felt that the gameplay was very less. There were no puzzles either, which was strange.

On the level of story telling, this is probably my favourite after 'The Wolf Among Us'. The episode was around two and a half hours for me.
Everyone just be careful of Fallout 4 because no matter how powerful your system people are still getting dips to 45fps in cities and the main hub areas such as Diamond city and Lexington. Trust me I have felt the fps drop and its dreadful, probably a game engine hardware bug or bottleneck (game uses update/tweaked version of skyrim engine)
Smooth as butter on ultra ( ultra godrays as well ) at 1440p with my overclocked 2600K and 980 Ti. I certainly haven't experienced any 'dreadful' FPS drops.

Gman450 I love the Telltale games I've played. The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2 and Game of Thrones are all so far but I will get around to the others just based on how much I liked those 3. The final episode of Game of Thrones should be out in a few days and I'll gladly take a ( short ) Fallout 4 break to finish it.
Just watched a vid of FO4 comparing GPUs and resolutions. The guy was walking through a ghost town taking on ghouls, and the shooting mechanics looked pretty crisp and smooth.

So I have a few questions for those of you whom have played it.

1. Are the gunplay mechanics in general crisper and smoother than in FO3, or is it just that you have to do a ton of grinding to get to that point?

2. Is it optimized any better than FO 3 in overall performance and animations (EG no sluggish, slow responding movements).

3. Is VATS still needed just as much in FO4, or can you more easily go without it now?

4. Is it as grindy as FO3 in skills and side tasks?

I was immediately put off by the horrible shooting, clumsy aiming and movement, and grinding of FO3, and VATS IMO didn't at all make up for it. If anything it was an unspoken admission of the horrible combat system. Worse yet, there are very minimal resources to start with and they put you on very annoying and risky side tasks that gain you very little. Right off the bat the progression systems seemed dysfunctional and unbalanced.

So, is FO4 more polished in any of these ways? I'm now reading a fair number of people saying there's not as much to FO4 as advertised, so I don't know what to believe, because there's also a lot of people saying it's very fun. Then you have those whom say they hated FO3, but loved NV. I'm not sure why that is, but I get the feeling they liked it's setting, story elements and action better.