Just watched a vid of FO4 comparing GPUs and resolutions. The guy was walking through a ghost town taking on ghouls, and the shooting mechanics looked pretty crisp and smooth.
So I have a few questions for those of you whom have played it.
1. Are the gunplay mechanics in general crisper and smoother than in FO3, or is it just that you have to do a ton of grinding to get to that point?
2. Is it optimized any better than FO 3 in overall performance and animations (EG no sluggish, slow responding movements).
3. Is VATS still needed just as much in FO4, or can you more easily go without it now?
4. Is it as grindy as FO3 in skills and side tasks?
I was immediately put off by the horrible shooting, clumsy aiming and movement, and grinding of FO3, and VATS IMO didn't at all make up for it. If anything it was an unspoken admission of the horrible combat system. Worse yet, there are very minimal resources to start with and they put you on very annoying and risky side tasks that gain you very little. Right off the bat the progression systems seemed dysfunctional and unbalanced.
So, is FO4 more polished in any of these ways? I'm now reading a fair number of people saying there's not as much to FO4 as advertised, so I don't know what to believe, because there's also a lot of people saying it's very fun. Then you have those whom say they hated FO3, but loved NV. I'm not sure why that is, but I get the feeling they liked it's setting, story elements and action better.