
Jun 2, 2018
Hello all!

I am getting a blue screen of dead message WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR after Win10 sleeping mode.

It happens when I exit sleeping mode and start Opera or Chrome. As far as I tested... It runs other soft or games fine after Sleep mode.
Windows Edge works fine after sleeping mode.

I tried to reinstall Opera, but I get blue screen mode again during the process.

I never done any overclocking things with PC.

Last 3 Minidump files I got during the day...


My PC specs...

ASRock Fatal1ty X299 Gaming K6 ATX LGA2066 Motherboard
i7-7820X 3.6Ghz
Zotac GTX 1070TI AMP! Extreme edition
RAM 32 Gb G Skill TridentZ F4-3200C16-8GTZSW
Samsung SSD 860 EVO 500GB
x2 2 TБ, 7200 RPM, SATA-III
SeaSonic FOCUS Plus Gold 750 W 80+ Gold

I highlighted that on my 1st reply but at time all I suggested was update to latest on website -

AsrDrv101.sys15/01/2013ASRockAsRock IO Driver

At the time I thought I found they were RGB
seems they are multi function
The AsrDrv101.sys and AsrDrv102.sys low-level drivers in ASRock RGBLED before v1.0.35.1, A-Tuning before v3.0.210, F-Stream before v3.0.210, and RestartToUEFI


where did you get the drivers you installed this time? From website or other? I am not sure which version of the driver you have, the new one I found or the older ones.

If any driver is going to cause a WHEA, its an IO driver. Seems asrock and Asus have...
Hello my friend! I have run 1 of the dump files only (will explain further down) and you can see the full report here: https://pste.eu/p/NlhI.html

Summary of findings:
BugCheck 124
Probably caused by : GenuineIntel

Bugcheck Description:
"This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).

Parameter 1 identifies the type of error source that reported the error. Parameter 2 holds the address of the WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure that describes the error condition.

When a hardware error occurs, WHEA creates an error record to store the error information associated with the hardware error condition. "

About your bugcheck:
A WHEA ERROR is almost solely hardware based. It is possible in rare circumstances for this to be a driver, however it is very unlikely. It is often caused by:
  • Component overheating
  • Unstable overclocking or XMP profile
  • Faulty hardware
  • Firmware issues
Some things to consider:
I have only run 1 of the dump files being as this is a WHEA error, which as stated above, is pretty solely hardware, only on rarer occassions is it driver based. It can also be firmware related. That and the amount of drivers you had present were minimal, so even if it is drivers, we probably have enough to work on initially.
  • I would highly advise you to view the full report above, as this will contain much more detail as to the bugcheck and modules running at the time.
  • Do you have latest BIOS installed?
  • Have you measured CPU and GPU temperatures at all?
  • Have you disabled fast startup?
  • I saw you are not running any overclock, what about XMP?
  • Can you confirm if your RAM modules are all from the same pack?
  • Have you attempted to see if the issue can be repeated in safe mode with networking disabled?
Hello my friend! I have run 1 of the dump files only (will explain further down) and you can see the full report here: https://pste.eu/p/NlhI.html

Summary of findings:

About your bugcheck:

A WHEA ERROR is almost solely hardware based. It is possible in rare circumstances for this to be a driver, however it is very unlikely. It is often caused by:
  • Component overheating
  • Unstable overclocking or XMP profile
  • Faulty hardware
  • Firmware issues
Some things to consider:
I have only run 1 of the dump files being as this is a WHEA error, which as stated above, is pretty solely hardware, only on rarer occassions is it driver based. It can also be firmware related. That and the amount of drivers you had present were minimal, so even if it is drivers, we probably have enough to work on initially.
  • I would highly advise you to view the full report above, as this will contain much more detail as to the bugcheck and modules running at the time.
  • Do you have latest BIOS installed?
  • Have you measured CPU and GPU temperatures at all?
  • Have you disabled fast startup?
  • I saw you are not running any overclock, what about XMP?
  • Can you confirm if your RAM modules are all from the same pack?
  • Have you attempted to see if the issue can be repeated in safe mode with networking disabled?

Hi PC Tailor!

Thank you very much for joining!)
unfortunately I could not understand much from full report..
what is GenuineIntel?

Anyways...I can answer questions you asked)..

1. I don't know if my BIOS is latest version...PC is 1 year old...and all was fine...it started a couple months back.
AIDA64 says BIOS version P1.10
as far as I remember I installed all drivers that were provided with MB.

2. Yes, I measure quite often..
CPU - around 37C after half a day working....max temp jumps for a second to 40-44C but then goes back to 37C.....measured with MB software F-Stream and AIDA64
GPU - 34C idle...60C - gaming, measured with Zotac Firestorm soft

3. I don't know if I have "Fast startup"...I mean...I have only few software that starts automaticaly on startup...only small system software like Logitech, RealtechHD...

4. Yes..RAM are all from same manufacturer and same package.

5. I have XMP enabled in BIOS for my RAM...I posted a thread when just built my PC, you can see here (message Jul 25)

I have my memory on XMP profile to run 3200mhz as it should....I had a problem that it was 2133mhz...that I changed in BIOS

5. I will try to do the same thing that caused an error in safe mode..let's see what happens

Thank you!
unfortunately I could not understand much from full report..
what is GenuineIntel?
Not to worry, the main points for yourself would be to see the basic description of your bugcheck / what it means, and the third party modules afterwards, I and others can help deducing from it.
GenuineIntel is the common go to module that the debugger pulls out during a hardware error, the WHEA is usually called by the CPU - which is the "GenuineIntel" CPU

AIDA64 says BIOS version P1.10
This is quite outdated, being as you are encountering WHEA problems, this can often be firmware to hardware related - if the firmware conflicts with the hardware, the hardware will fault. You can install the latest BIOS for your board from here: https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/Fatal1ty X299 Gaming K6/index.asp#BIOS
Instructions here: BIOS Flash Method or Windows Update Method
If in doubt, just look for the instructions next to the BIOS you are updating to.

as far as I remember I installed all drivers that were provided with MB.
Yes but have you updated them since? You can find all latest MB/Chipset drivers for yours here: https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/Fatal1ty X299 Gaming K6/index.asp#Download

5. I have XMP enabled in BIOS for my RAM...I posted a thread when just built my PC, you can see here (message Jul 25)
I would disable this and reset CMOS to ensure that the OC isn't causing your BSOD, as it very commonly can.

3. I don't know if I have "Fast startup"...I mean...I have only few software that starts automaticaly on startup...only small system software like Logitech, RealtechHD...
Fast startup is an in built windows behaviour. Go to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options\System Settings - then uncheck Fast Startup (you'll likely need to click the "change settings that are unavailable" button at the top to allow you to uncheck it.

After these steps we can review afterwards to see if the issue goes away. Have you been having the BSOD issue ever since you built the PC or did it come on after time?
Fast startup is an in built windows behaviour. Go to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options\System Settings - then uncheck Fast Startup (you'll likely need to click the "change settings that are unavailable" button at the top to allow you to uncheck it.

After these steps we can review afterwards to see if the issue goes away. Have you been having the BSOD issue ever since you built the PC or did it come on after time?

Fast start was disabled
I could not run Sleep mode out of Safe mode Windows...so I could'nt check if issue occures from Safe mode.
Yes, I've had some BSOD blue screens before...not often, but several times randomly. This time it is quite scheduled...right after Opera or Chrom starts from Sleeping mode.
Fast start was disabled
I could not run Sleep mode out of Safe mode Windows...so I could'nt check if issue occures from Safe mode.
Yes, I've had some BSOD blue screens before...not often, but several times randomly. This time it is quite scheduled...right after Opera or Chrom starts from Sleeping mode.
Have you covered each of the other steps I have stated?
If you have any internet or LAN drivers I'd update these too.
I'd be tempted to run memtest too to verify RAM integrity. As well as the other steps I've mentioned.
Have you covered each of the other steps I have stated?
If you have any internet or LAN drivers I'd update these too.
I'd be tempted to run memtest too to verify RAM integrity. As well as the other steps I've mentioned.
Have you covered each of the other steps I have stated?
If you have any internet or LAN drivers I'd update these too.
I'd be tempted to run memtest too to verify RAM integrity. As well as the other steps I've mentioned.

Hi PC Tailor,

So I turned XMP mode off....but it did not work to exit sleeping mode in that state...as my motherboard showed 53 code...RAM issue...and only way to run PC again was tu turn off, and on again.
Then I updated BIOS...repeated actions with sleeping mode and XMP off...Still blue screen, but with REFERENCE_BY_POINTER...that happened before as well, when I run internet browser after Sleep mode.

Minidump files here...


Then I updated all drivers...and still same issue, but this tim again "WHEA"

Any ideas? 🙁
Thank you!
You can use the Asrock App Store to update drivers, latest version of it is from April this year.
I wonder if its the RGB drivers, as the installed version is from 2013

AsrDrv101.sys dated 15th Jan 2013 - Asrock IO Driver. Part of RGB system
Latest on website is from 2017. its at bottom of this page. APp store is midway down list.
https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/Fatal1ty X299 Gaming K6/index.asp#Download

I only suggest it as its a driver that could be changing values on motherboard after sleep and maybe causing WHEA errors.

Try running this on CPU - - https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/19792/Intel-Processor-Diagnostic-Tool
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You can use the Asrock App Store to update drivers, latest version of it is from April this year.
I wonder if its the RGB drivers, as the installed version is from 2013

AsrDrv101.sys dated 15th Jan 2013 - Asrock IO Driver. Part of RGB system
Latest on website is from 2017. its at bottom of this page. APp store is midway down list.
https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/Fatal1ty X299 Gaming K6/index.asp#Download

I only suggest it as its a driver that could be changing values on motherboard after sleep and maybe causing WHEA errors.

Try running this on CPU - - https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/19792/Intel-Processor-Diagnostic-Tool

Hi Colif!

Thanks for your suggestions !

I updated all Motherboard drivers as well as RGB drivers from Asrock AppStore....but the problem still occures...even with RGB off.

I also made processor diagnostic test...everything went smoth.

I went to sleeping mode...anyways.... BSOD happened again

Updated Minidump file from today, as archive here
When you say all drivers, does that include bios as I see it was already mentioned as being old. PC already showed how to update it, I would suggest using the tool in the bios and not the windows way

outdated BIOS can cause whea errors.

since its any browser other than Edge, I would suspect its your lan drivers. I wouldn't normally suspect drivers from 2018 though.
Lets see if next dump shows anything new.

I assume you are using ethernet and not a wifi adapter for internet?

are there any other devices attached to PC not listed in specs? normally bsod caused by drivers after wake up is from old drivers not built for win 10 power modes.

next oldest software is Logitech Gaming software from 2016. Depending on what you have, there may not be newer drivers
When you say all drivers, does that include bios as I see it was already mentioned as being old. PC already showed how to update it, I would suggest using the tool in the bios and not the windows way

outdated BIOS can cause whea errors.

since its any browser other than Edge, I would suspect its your lan drivers. I wouldn't normally suspect drivers from 2018 though.
Lets see if next dump shows anything new.

I assume you are using ethernet and not a wifi adapter for internet?

are there any other devices attached to PC not listed in specs? normally bsod caused by drivers after wake up is from old drivers not built for win 10 power modes.

next oldest software is Logitech Gaming software from 2016. Depending on what you have, there may not be newer drivers

Hi Colif,

Yes, I updated BIOS as well but Windows way...

Yes, I use ethernet, and I also updated LAN driver...twice.

I also have this device in PCI slot
but actually it just sticks in PCI...I am not using it...I bought it for my WACOM tablet, but it turned out that it is easier to use it not through usb 3+DP. So I just turned tht off. and deleted the driver.

Should I update BIOS again, but through BIOS itself vie Instant Flash? I mean I checked in BIOS, it writes me v. 1.8...which is the latest on the official Website.

Also...oone time today..with same thing of sleeping mode and internet browser...this BSOD happened

Minidump of that event

Thank you!
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Don't update bios if you already at max.

if you aren't using the PCI e device, see if removing it makes any difference. it might be its lack of drivers that are causing the errors.

WHEA can be anything, which makes them hard to track - we had people here that could actually understand dumps, I do my best to make do.I wish they were still around.

If that doesn't fix itt, can you run this on CPU as a 2nd opinion - https://www.mersenne.org/download/

have to wait to see what the irq error shows us
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Don't update bios if you already at max.

if you aren't using the PCI e device, see if removing it makes any difference. it might be its lack of drivers that are causing the errors.

WHEA can be anything, which makes them hard to track - we had people here that could actually understand dumps, I do my best to make do.I wish they were still around.

If that doesn't fix itt, can you run this on CPU as a 2nd opinion - https://www.mersenne.org/download/

have to wait to see what the irq error shows us

Removing device from PCI slot did not help...BSOD still happens iwith the same reasons.

About that software I should run...
What is that? and how to use it?

A small update... I tried to do same with Mozilla Firefox after sleeping mode...works fine..I tried several times.
But I guess this is not a solution, right? It is like..."if your PC shuts down while using it, then just don't XD"

Thank you!
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Removing device from PCI slot did not help...BSOD still happens iwith the same reasons.

About that software I should run...
What is that? and how to use it?

A small update... I tried to do same with Mozilla Firefox after sleeping mode...works fine..I tried several times.
But I guess this is not a solution, right? It is like..."if your PC shuts down while using it, then just don't XD"

Thank you!
It's prime95. CPU stress test software. If anything can find a CPU problem without removing the CPU itself, it's Prime95. Just download and run a Blend test for now and let it run,

Monitor your temps with HWInfo whilst running.

It's basically going to push your CPU to the limits and see if a stress pulls anything out.
It's prime95. CPU stress test software. If anything can find a CPU problem without removing the CPU itself, it's Prime95. Just download and run a Blend test for now and let it run,

Monitor your temps with HWInfo whilst running.

It's basically going to push your CPU to the limits and see if a stress pulls anything out.

Su I ran that stress test....I saw temps on CPU around 80-90C with all fans running on max speeds...durnig 30 mins or so.
Then I started HWInfo software...and after several minutes of test I got BSOD again...WHEA, but this time PC did not start again after restart...it just stucked on black screen...with "00" on debug screen on MotherBoard, so I had to shut it down, and turn on again.

but how can we know stress test results now? are they lost?

Su I ran that stress test....I saw temps on CPU around 80-90C with all fans running on max speeds...durnig 30 mins or so.
Then I started HWInfo software...and after several minutes of test I got BSOD again...WHEA, but this time PC did not start again after restart...it just stucked on black screen...with "00" on debug screen on MotherBoard, so I had to shut it down, and turn on again.

but how can we know stress test results now? are they lost?

Well prime95 should probably be shut off around throttle temp. Did you leave it on long whilst it sat at 90 degrees? Should be shut off if it's not stable. Hopefully you didn't let it run too long at 90+ degrees?

Did it ever hit up to 99 degrees? The i7-7820X T-junction is 99 degrees so it shouldn't throttle until it hit that. But you said it hit 90 and BSOD?

PC won't boot at all now? Or did you just have to restart?

Probably is a CPU problem then unfortunately. May be a warranty return.
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Well prime95 should probably be shut off around throttle temp. Did you leave it on long whilst it sat at 90 degrees? Should be shut off if it's not stable. Hopefully you didn't let it run too long at 90+ degrees?

Did it ever hit up to 99 degrees? The i7-7820X T-junction is 99 degrees so it shouldn't throttle until it hit that. But you said it hit 90 and BSOD?

PC won't boot at all now? Would wait a few mins then reset CMOS

Probably is a CPU problem then unfortunately. May be a warranty return.


Since I started test it was over 90C... cause processor and RAM were under 100% load.
Then I put all fans almost on 100% load to get around 80-90C.
First 15min of test I was using Motherboard software to see temps...
Then I turned HWInfo ....and after several minutes BSOD happened.

So BSOD happened during the test, and all test time it was 80-99C

Previously I didn't have 99C

usually it is about 40C iddle, and 1st person multiplayer game - 60C

PC did boot after shutting down with a power button, and on again.

I think I will run test again tomorrow.
but how to see the results of test ? some review of mistakes or whatever data that I can share with you ? and how long should it run?


Since I started test it was over 90C... cause processor and RAM were under 100% load.
Then I put all fans almost on 100% load to get around 80-90C.
First 15min of test I was using Motherboard software to see temps...
Then I turned HWInfo ....and after several minutes BSOD happened.

So BSOD happened during the test, and all test time it was 80-99C

Previously I didn't have 99C

usually it is about 40C iddle, and 1st person multiplayer game - 60C

PC did boot after shutting down with a power button, and on again.

I think I will run test again tomorrow.
but how to see the results of test ? some review of mistakes or whatever data that I can share with you ?

Don't need to run the test again.
Should have mentioned if it runs too long at 99 degrees + to stop test. Sorry we can miss mentioning finer details occassionally. But no harm done, CPUs will throttle themselves before they damage themselves as a fail safe.

Did it generate a minidump at all?
It sure sounds like it could be a CPU problem, but there's no guarantees it wasn't just a temperature WHEA or whatever else causing the problem if that makes sense.

A BSOD during prime 95 can typically be deemed as a fail. You should be able to find log of results in the prime95 folder.

But yeah, probably don't need to run it again. I will have to get some shut eye for now but @Colif should be back on way before me to assist.
Don't need to run the test again.
Should have mentioned if it runs too long at 99 degrees + to stop test. Sorry we can miss mentioning finer details occassionally. But no harm done, CPUs will throttle themselves before they damage themselves as a fail safe.

Did it generate a minidump at all?
It sure sounds like it could be a CPU problem, but there's no guarantees it wasn't just a temperature WHEA or whatever else causing the problem if that makes sense.

A BSOD during prime 95 can typically be deemed as a fail. You should be able to find log of results in the prime95 folder.

But yeah, probably don't need to run it again. I will have to get some shut eye for now but @Colif should be back on way before me to assist.

Minidump and "result.txt" file from prime95 folder after that BSOD...

might be a stupid question but....if it was over 90C...should I put new thermal paste???

but why that bsod happens only with opera and chrome?...nothing happens with firefox and edge...

should I try "ultimate" solution like reinstall Windows, or doing some backup...?


Thank you all anyways !=)
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i would backup before reinstalling as it is backwards doing it other way.

Did @PC Tailor ever look at dump files for last IRQ error?

I may need more instructions for Prime95 tests in future.

Primes entire job is stress test, so high temps in it are entirely expected.

Small update...

Sometimes PC just restarts when I open Opera after sleeping mode...without showing BSOD.

maybe it is easier just never using Opera as browser ?
its odd its only on chrome or opera, they both use same engine,,, opera is based on chrome

have you tried uninstalling both and reinstalling them?

Yes, I did...like a week ago, or so..but not after updating BIOS actually..

I am restoring Windows at this moment...

Ok...Windows has been restored to default, with file saving option.
First thing I did...installed Opera, went to sleep mode, then on again, started Opera....everything goes fine so far.
No BSOD at the moment.
I will try to install all motherboard drivers right now, and test Opera again.
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Yes, I did...like a week ago, or so..but not after updating BIOS actually..

I am restoring Windows at this moment...

Ok...Windows has been restored to default, with file saving option.
First thing I did...installed Opera, went to sleep mode, then on again, started Opera....everything goes fine so far.
No BSOD at the moment.
I will try to install all motherboard drivers right now, and test Opera again.

So I installed all drivers and Nvidia driver...and guess what? Problem appeared again...same BSOD

So I think it should be one of drivers...or Nvidia, right?