When is the GTX 800 Series release date?

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Jan 2, 2014
I understand that this question is asked a lot, but does anyone have a general idea of which date it will be? I looking to build a hi-end gaming pc with best possible hardware during this time frame, and i'm planning to use it for awhile before upgrading. Hence, I fully understand nothing is future proof, just looking to spend on what is best at this time.

All speculations, info from anonymous bust trustable resources, basically just anything is welcomed 😀

I'm just hoping that it is in 3 months or so...I have been saving up money...and the games as well. I bought the xbox just to kill the waiting period off, and the graphics are just shit haha. Anyways man, I saw your build with the GTX 680...that's what i'm aiming for. I'm gonna spend a lot on this build and use it for a long while. There's no point in keeping up with the highest end of tech all the time..it's just a waste of money.

Eh my build listed is my old comp (I gave it over to my wife as a peace offering so I could upgrade :) ) I just built a new one 2 days ago, Guess I should update the list. I'm now running a i7 4770k 16gb ram and waiting on my MSI Gaming GTX 780 Ti - should be here any day now! (Only reason I upgraded was because my wife's aging laptop couldn't handle the games she wanted to play)

Its about 20% better FPS than the 780 at stock and the Ti overclocks better. But anyway i went with the 780 ti because I game on 3 1920x1200 res monitors and needed all the power I could get without needing to deal with SLI.

Well sure...but it's not in every game though. In Crysis 3 there's not difference in FPS at all. But the again, it's for you to decide whether it's a worthwhile purchase or not. Price gap is huge with GTX 780 and TI version.

Awesome...now we will finally know the release dates

How can you know? But i suspect they need to ramp up the design though...R9 290X is pretty nice. I don't think they will call it the GTX 880 either, possibly some new witty nomenclature to match AMD's renaming.

The GTX 780 looks good...but it has no style. R9 290X was reallly stylish.
I heard the 20 nm gtx 880 might be delayed until late 2014, this makes sense because of the die shrink and complex architecture.
I also heard a rumour that AMD will start selling their next gen 20 nm cards in early 2015.

I believe the gtx 780 ti is a response to the 290x because Nvidia will always do what it can to keep the performance Lead.

I just upgraded from a gtx 780 to a 780 ti and in 1440p the TI blows the 780 out of the water...


I don't really have a cap on it...but definitely I will be getting the highest end of single GPU graphics card Nvidia has to offer. Excluding something overpriced in ration to performance like the Titan though. Looking to get the GTX 880.

Nvidia's top end Maxwell will definitely be on 20nm and that's process wont be ready until Q4, if you want the top end now its the 780TI.
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