Does anyone know when the new steam roller is ready for coming out? I'm in a right situation, i decided to build a new pc back in April, half way through i got made redundant and had to leave my project. I have a brand new motherboard still in my pc that's not been used a gigabyte 990fxa-ud3 that needs a CPU, this is my situation, i don't want to be putting money into a pc that will be a old generation motherboard and cpu as soon a the steam roller comes out. I have a feeling the new steam roller CPU's will be a brand new socket so that's a new motherboard as well, the motherboard i have now that's not being used cost me full price over £112 if i leave it standing around until steam roller it will loose its value and be worth less than £50, so should i cut my losses and sell my motherboard while they are still pulling their money and abandon this build and wait for the new amd steam roller and the new line of motherboards or carry on with this build and risk loosing out lots of money by paying full rrp on soon to be old generation parts?